My post was removed.. thank you that tells me everything

Thats right, I have created a post about the problems of the game and for the very first time… it has dissapeared without a trace after 2 days when I showed only 2 class as example… Thank you very much, that proves I was right and that was the last time I have written anything into this forum because it was removed… But hey… It seems like the developers are reading this forum anyway just don’t care about it. :smiley:

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Nah, the community flagged it and someone working for a company Blizzard contracted for forum moderation spent 25 seconds looking at it before removing. No developer will ever read a single word you or I type


You’re too generous.

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there are soooooo many threads criticising the game that never got deleted…and im supposed to beleive thats the reason they deleted yours ?

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I bet no human is reading them. I got a 1-day “ban” last week; I had a couple of rude posts (not totally rude but still); I was 100% certain it was because of 1 of those rude posts.

Nope; it was “because” of a COMPLETELY polite post(only “against” was “the devs” in general); I bet it was just a few people auto-reporting me (whatever I would post).

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