Honestly, im not so sure that is allways the case. There is a lot of complaining here, but there is nothing wrong with that. I also see a lot of intelligent discussions and ideas being thrown around here too. So, I wouldn’t call the forums “a toxic waste pile”. There are certainly far worse forums out there.
Have a Good Day
Yea the same was said about Hots and now it’s a dead game. Go look at the posts of people being banned for language some of which were beta testers since the start.
The vocal minority does not represent the entirety.
Yes, call me out. I have never claimed to be a role model, and have the history to reflect it. All I said was dont expect me to abide by your morals as they are yours alone. As Wardrum said, my comments were validated. The way you created this thread wasnt, especially with the original title.
Dont expect me to “play nice” if youre not going to yourself.
Rather than making a new thread, I decided to use this…
A Misunderstood Community?
Being on both old and new forum, I give my personal opinion of the community as a whole.
On the surface, nothing much has changed.
Post of Raging and Rants still persist, where posters creates a post, vents and leaves. Then, what follows maybe some other passionate posters to continue with the topic. Sometimes words, intentions gets misunderstood and/or posters gets “triggered” by a sensitive word/phrase. Posts get slightly more personal and causes the Ripple effect.
A new member to the community may get intimidated by the Culture already set from the old forum. They could decide to stick around to follow the culture, attempt to change the culture, or adapt to the culture.
Due to the traffic and anonymity of the forum by nature, posters that genuinely wish to contribute, seeks answers and discuss generally gets to be overshadowed by the “negative” posts.
The “well wishers” gradually feels disenchanted and may feel further contributions maybe be in vain.
Thus, a cycle of diminishing “quality” threads.
With the new forum, we can start anew. Dev teams has started with more participation, signs of Moderation seems ok-ish, there are even a section asking for feedback on how to improve the forum.
Posters that have no intention to add value and contribute will continue to do so.
Members that are new to this Forum will still come in.
Members will leave.
Posters that enjoy what they do here, will (maybe) continue to do what they do.
However, I do have a question.
The Forum seems more “quiet” recently. I can see threads with high viewership but little replies. I can see replies being “typed” on threads but then decided not to reply instead. Topics requested for discussion that is widely requested (deck discussion, deck building, etc) when created, are so poorly participated.
What is stopping these participation that we say we wanted?
As some may observe that I regularly tries to direct participation in such activity. But, am quite lost on how I can improve or enhance on that aspect. Are my topics too boring? unclear? with feedback then I can make adjustment or know if I should stop.
But till then Good Luck Have Fun
I just had to, sorry.
Well despite all the negativity and some troll posters and the fact I don’t particularly like the format of the new forums, I’ve got to admit I rather like the Hs community!
I spent a bit of time away from the game trying MtG Arena and Artifact (lol, less said the better about that episode!), and although I really enjoyed both games I never felt I had a place to come and talk strategy/vent frustration/generally chat nonsense, I actually really enjoy seeing what’s new on here.
So thanks to all the long time posters for keeping me entertained, no forum is going to be perfect, people are people, but this ain’t bad imo.
This coming from someone who named himself MEGA, psssh, like you’re tough or something.
(just kidding omg people stop flaggin my jokes)
I love Blizzard. I love Overwatch, I like WoW, I’ve had a lot of fun in Hearthstone. They’re well-made games, i like the art style and lore, overall I have really enjoyed the things put forth by the company.
Now, I’m pretty new to the forums. I dont’ comment here much. So maybe I’ve just been exposed to a small part of the community here, and my sample size is too small to make any kind of judgement. But I’ve read a decent amount of posts because almost everytime I google something about Hearthstone, Google takes me here.
Similar to the other communities I’ve run into in Blizzard games, namely Overwatch, this community is ridiculously toxic. Pretty much every post you click on has someone, for absolutely no reason, initiating some kind of fight or personal attack on someone who disagrees with them. It’s ridiculous.
“Zaxo, that’s just the internet.” No, not really. There’s always trolls, sure. But this is a community. I’ve been playing games online since the early days of Runescape. I’ve visited forums for dozens of games (along with several designed for music lovers/traders) and fully immersed myself in countless gaming communities, from small to large games. And this community is by far one of the worst, right next to Overwatch.
If someone is frustrated with the game and comes to comment to vent their frustrations, they are not met with people genuinely trying to help them have a better experience. And before you say anything, remember, that’s exactly what the forums are for. Forums are here to share information and have players help each other out. That isn’t even half of what goes on in these posts.
New players are criticized for not knowing certain things. People who don’t like certain things about the new updates are told it’s because they suck at the game. The list goes on and on. The forums are here for people who are having difficulties to find support. If everything is going great, you don’t need to make a forum post. If you’re posting in the forums, 90% of the time it’s because there is some kind of problem that you’d like to be addressed.
As other commentors, it is our job to help address these problems TO HELP people, not to attack them. And this community is absolutely horrible at this. People are condescending, toxic, and constantly trying to prove that they’re the master of all matters regarding Hearthstone. I’ve seen a handful of decent conversations compared to hundreds of toxic comments.
I honestly don’t think most people in this game are capable of not being condescending. A lot of people here seem to be completely unable of comprehending a different perspective, or they literally just don’t care to because they’re more concerned about inflating their own ego.
In any case, stop commenting if you’re going to be condescending, backhanded, toxic, insulting, whatever else. Just go back to playing the game. Stop bringing the community down to your level. If you can’t comment on someone’s post without throwing an insult in there, implying they suck at the game, etc., don’t comment. Just leave the forums or create your own post.
It’s not that hard, and you’re making the community a worse place. Maybe that’s what you want. Maybe you want to surround yourself with toxic, condescending jerks who just look down on anyone who isn’t “as godly at this game as them.” If that’s what you want, by all means, go ahead and continue as you are. But the rest of us would appreciate it if you just stop. Just go back to proving how much of a god you are in the game, not in the forums. Literally no one cares here. You’re just causing problems for your own ego.
Even as I type this, I can see the comments that are going to come in. I can’t even say “don’t be toxic” without people coming in to try to justify that the reasons they’re being toxic are validated (i’ve done it on other posts). Maybe people literally can’t even comprehend the fact that they’re being toxic, idk.
In any case, there’s the rant. I’ve read too many unhelpful, aggressive posts, and decided to make this one to see how many people agree with this sentiment. I care about having a good community. A good community can make a bad game awesome, and a bad community can make a great game terrible. The choice is yours, every time you post (or have the self control not to).
Edit: The toxicity I’m referring to here is explicitly the kind of player-on-player attacks. People will have a lot of aggressive things to say about the game sometimes. But that’s the game, not other people. I think the forums are largely where those aggressive posts about the game should be directed. As long as players aren’t attacking other players, I think they deserve to be met with respect and a genuinely helpful spirit.
I agree to fostering better communications between computer users with the power of the internet.