My Hilarious Post Was Removed

Just wanna warn you all, don’t say anything true or else your post may be removed as well

Also, falsely reporting Trolling to get someone’s post you don’t like removed should be grounds for Your Own Ban. You know who you are. Be better.

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I had a topic on Board Interaction removed just because the noobs had no idea what I was talking about.
Most of the HS community is just “Boring no fun, they should be fired, braindead netdecking, Blizzard joke, is rigged couse I loose” etc. etc.
I hope your “truth” is not like some of the bull$hit above :v::grin:

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I get my posts removed by the usual gang. If I say something they don’t like. A staff member put one of my comments back, they removed. They will get rid of this post too.

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I didn’t even see your post but I doubt that it was saying much that’s true.

In any case, this community is toxic in general. And it’s the forum community, through the flag system, that moderates posts in this way. You’re part of a community with brittle ears.