My graphics are broken with this update. Anyone else has this?

At this point this issue has been discussed to the extent of what we can cover in tech support, and it doesn’t seem that anybody in this thread has any outstanding issues other than being on an unsupported system. Please keep in mind that we’re not developers ourselves, and we simply can’t ever make guarantees that the game will operate on unsupported system configurations. I understand that not everyone can always upgrade whenever they want or need to, but that’s not something we can address here. Our system requirements are the way they are to set proper expectations about the level of support we can really give to help players with our game. To quote the system requirements article directly:

Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for Hearthstone may change over time.

We never know if an engine update is necessarily going to invalidate previously supported hardware, but it does happen sometimes. That’s the nature of running a persistent game which gets updated from year to year to take advantage of changes in hardware and programming on newer systems.

If you do meet the requirements above and have problems, please do create your own thread, but as we’ve confirmed that this is mostly if not entirely related to unsupported devices, there’s nothing else we can do in this thread. Please bring your feedback up in the Community Discussion forums, or if you do have a supported device and would like help troubleshooting the error, post your DXDiag in your own thread so we can give it a look.