My girlfriends thoughts on Hearthstone:

We have a tv screen in the living room connected to a pc so she has been by my side to witness the past 2 months of ladder.

I’ve come to grow really fond of getting my stuff kicked in by attack druid because of one card. We both love to sing

i’veeee got a songggg in my hearrrrtt!

Furthermore she really laughs at the shaman frogs death noise.

Mc tech makes her giggle. We dont see it often tho so its a treat.

Our one and only favorite is definitely secret hunter. Usually its me playing it and i say Are U Ready babe?…. HHNGGUESSSSS WHOOOOOOO!!!


whens silent and cuddles coming back, i miss them


I get real “It places the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose” vibes from that whole scene.

It’s not right.

will you two and everyone else please can it with “cuddles” talk. its so cringe and whoever the guy is he 100% did not make such legit posts as mine