My first impressions of Hearthstone!

My first impressions of Hearthstone!

Good day everyone, friends!

So let’s begin. Let’s get started. The last time I was in Hearthstone was January 5, 2022, and after that I was gone for 2 years. I will write my first impressions and feelings here right away. It’s important to erase these first impressions…
What did you like?

  1. Entering Hearthstone when you realize that Hearthstone has been redesigned and are going through three new, educational games. The final game with Arthas, in which Jaina barely wins, which was quite epic.
  2. A new streak of obstacles, which consists of 25 tasks for which you receive:
  • gold;
  • new cards of 50 pieces per pack at once, in which the last two cards are legendary cards for your collection;
  • and you can get two new decks to choose from, in which it makes sense to take two decks with titans:
  • priest deck on mechanisms and titanium Amantul;
  • Sif-mage and titatn Morgannon deck. Make changes to these two decks and you’re guaranteed to get to Diamond rank.
  1. From the start in 2024 in early January, it was not difficult to get to the 5th diamond rank, and then get to the legendary rank. Let me draw your attention to the fact that you do not need to buy anything, but only your skill and experience, as well as understanding and experience for playing Hearthstone, are required.
  2. In 2014, March 11, when Hearthstone was released and who else remembers these wonderful and wonderful times. The game was absolutely bald. You had nothing when you started the Hearthstone game and had to start from scratch and with the base cards that were in your collection. Open all 9 classes. Level them up to level 10. There were no starting decks in Hearthstone in 2014, and you built your decks from basic cards of one class or another.
  3. In the updated version of Hearthstone 2024, what else did I see:
  • battlefields work great;
  • the arena works great. The arena is needed by those who want faster development and multiplication of their gold reserves and collection of Hearthstone cards;
  • in the Hearthstone store you can buy everything you need to play the game and most importantly, now you can buy a lot of things for gold:
  • adventures for 2500 gold coins, for example, “Hearthstone: The Curse of Naxxramas” for 2500 gold or “Adventures: Blackrock Mountain”. Great price for completing adventures for 2500 gold coins;
  • a golden deck of “Lich King” cards for 10,000 gold coins and disenchant it if you need dust to craft cards.
  1. Hearthstone itself has been perfectly redesigned and now, if you spend some time, you can collect any cards and decks for gold coins and develop as you see fit for you.
  2. Dear and charming developer of Hearthstone cards, for the work done, I want to shake your hand, hug and kiss you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
  3. Heartstone itself has changed a lot in 10 years and has become incredibly beautiful.
  4. Reflecting on all these new products, innovations and innovative ideas from Blizzard developers, it’s difficult to find fault with anything. Almost everything is done to perfection.
  5. Of course, if there are moments that I didn’t like in the Hearthstone game, but this analysis will already be in the next topic.
  6. I would like to wish Blizzard and the development team many warm words and wishes from the heart. Incredibly done, as it should be.
  7. Thank you so much for the new Death Knight class.
  8. Well…
  9. Friends, March 11, 2024 will soon come, when Hearthstone will turn 10 years old. What do you think about our beloved game Hearthstone and all these new and wonderful changes to the game?

Have a nice day and good mood everyone!
Thank you!
With love in my heart for Blizzard and Hearthstone over the past 10 years!
Best regards, Your Pelosi!


Copy an aggro deck from the internet then use a single Full Face interaction (gg legend rank), even the mentally handicapped king can do it. You can even be world champion just look at the 2023 champion.


Those who complain about HS do so out of frustration, after having lost dozens of games, convincing themselves that they have to pay money. HS is a great card game. This is demonstrated by the fact that many players return here from other games and are unable to suggest viable alternatives. There are certainly problems in HS, the main one is the lack of attention to the new cards each expansion and to the balance that arrives after too long. Unfortunately, fast decks make the game boring, as all you have to do is punch your opponent in the face. Now paladin is unmanageable, for example, and it wouldn’t take much to balance him along with all the rest of the classes. However, overall, the game is fun and allows new players stable progression.


Yes, you are right sir! I agree with every word you say. The new starter version of Hearthstone is well done.
From the start you get three decks:

  1. Sif mage;
  2. Paladin digger;
  3. Technopriest.
    Blizzard did a great job with the launch version of Hearthstone.

On another account, I already took the legendary rank and are in the TOP 1000. It may be possible to get into the top 100 players in Hearthston, but I will strive for this!!!

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Nancy is that you? You’re post is really really long.

This game is garbage, 100% winrate aggro deck against control deck.