My fear for the new expansion

Just looking at the cards released, I get the feeling that many tourists cards might only be played by the OTHER class that has access to them.

For example:
Common · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Get two random 1-Cost spells from other classes.

Rogue will not run this card. It’s too expensive for such a little effect. However, Paladin will run this card because it gets to play it for 2 mana and get 4 1-cost spells. This is clearly way better in Paladin by default.

Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of a spell of each school in your hand by (2).
Is Shaman really going to run this? I don’t see it happening unless some new version of Nature Shaman pops up. But you can bet DK will run this because they have multiple spell schools now including access to nature, etc.

So how many of these cards are going to be like this? If it’s half and half then really you are only getting full access to 5 cards for your class and the other 5 are cards from another class BUT ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE LEGENDARY.

See the problem? Instead of having a nice dream of getting essentially 20 cards per class to use essentially we will instead get only about 5. The other 5 usable cards will be trapped behind a Legendary.


I get youe point… but I still see Jive, Insect Shamans and Nature Shamans ao I am sure Naga will be used in Shaman.

But you are right, considering the mess that dual class created I do not, for the life of me, understand why they put another handicap on their already strained abilities to balance the game.

Nature shaman is called Nature shaman for a reason - it only runs nature spells. Jive is a fire spell, but it’s just 1 of in the deck and discounting it for 2 doesn’t do much since you already discount it for 5 with a weapon.

This card is terrible.

That being said, your fears are probably justified xD

To me it looks like they just decided to balance the game in an easier way while sacrificing class identities to make it happen

For example, while some classes go full board control, some classes go full burn dmg, and it’s very hard to balance the game in such a state. It’s much easier when you give the first ones access to some burn and when you give the other one access to some board.

It also opens up huge possible variety in deckbuilding (which is still gonna disappear as soon as the meta gets solved, but it is what it is)

Only decent solution when you have classes that people literally hate for existing.

The way I am understanding it is:

You’ll lose X amount of cards since they’ll be weak in your class because they were made to work with the class that borrows from you, but you’ll also gain X amount of cards from the class that you borrow from.

Wouldn’t that mean you are effectively losing 0 cards, and actually potentially gaining some extras that will be good both in your class and the class that borrows from you?

Shaman could easily gain access to fel spells from Demon Hunter. Or if Shaman ever gets a good frost spell to discount its 4 mana discount 6. I have no reason to believe this wont be good in shaman somewhere.

Right now DKs only have shadow and frost. Add the 1 fire spell revealed so far and maybe they get a single nature spell from shaman, I dont know if they really have more reason to run it than shaman

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I’m really not clear why people are freaking out so much.

This is just dual class cards with an extra step. Why is it so unbelievably inherently broken?

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A lot of the cards in one class will probably be designed for the other class. That was always the problem with dual class cards. Like that one discover a taunt, gain armor to reopen is obviously designed with warrior in mind rather than druid.

Clearly that naga goes with the DK tourist card that tutors all the spell schools. I mean its their way of giving a class 18 cards rather than 9 or whatever it is per expansion

Keep in mind Headliner is in shaman, which shaman can use DH cards this expansion, so probably some fel and/or shadow spells shaman can take from DH. Petty theft I don’t know about but at least Rogue has Sonya.

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Yes, but those extra cards are locked behind a legendary.

So you have 5 cards this expansion and 5 cards you only get access to behind a legendary if the half and half thing happens.


In theory yes.

In practice we gonna have to wait and see.

I would not be surprised if that don’t get to be exactly the case and powerlevel in the game Just skyrockets by most cards being decent in both classes despite of being skeptical about it.

The second expansion is usually that time in the year were things Just get out of control.

Also they’re technically tri class cards with the weird gimmick of having the Max two at a single deck.

After all paladin cards for example Will be found in 3 types of decks :
Paladin decks
Mage + paladin decks
Paladin + rogue decks

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Didnt they do this in the arena once where classes could draft from 2 sets of classes? I cant remember how that ended up.

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It ended up with druids playing that bloom spell that costs 2 mana and makes your next spell cost health, then Ultimate Infestation. GG EZ

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Seems exactly the same as Dual class cards.
Warlock/mage was just a give-away to Warlock, and Hunter/mage was just a give-away to Hunter.
Mage got jack.


Your facts are off; mage plays reverberate and “No minion” mage plays the elemental companion spell. I don’t know if was main decked(not seeing it right now) but I do recall mages casting star power. With the excess of discover I consider any card you’d play in a game worth while in it existing the game isn’t just about your starting deck anymore.

Not to mention the current dual class cards aren’t rotating so 1 good secret and mage can play costume singer, although I’m not holding my breath with this set because mage is touring to paladin and it would be weird to give paladins playable secrets(mage secrets but eh) after they took them away

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I declare though, Team5 are the undisputed masters of indecision and passive/aggressive behavior, so don’t be too surprised, lol.

yeah but with the design pattern for mage secrets are next one is gonna be
-Frozen Protection (3mana)
when a friendly minion is attacked freeze it and make it immune this turn

wait that’s too good

when a friendly minion is attacked freeze it and give it +1 health

there perfectly bad as all mages should be- Team 5 probably

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Paladin isn’t getting access to mage cards, it’s getting access to rogue cards

Mage is getting access to paladin cards, not the other way around


i was hoping mage would get a pally secret, otherwise the cards seem useless for mage as pally relies on minion buffs.


Oh, it’ll def get access to minion buffs, otherwise, what’s the point of the combination anyway?

Everyone has access to divine shields now, so the only things left for Mage to get from Pally are buffs and weapons.

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