My fear for the new expansion

mage is running no minion though, isn’t it?
How do minion buffs help the class at all?

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That’s just one archetype, mage still has, and will have, 2-3 other decks

This is hearthstone. It’s cool to have some spell/burn based decks, but without minions, it’s just not the same game

Noone enjoys throwing only spells, and it’s obvious because there’s exactly 0 spell mage players left on the ladder (at least where I play)

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I do, lol:) But I’ll admit that my favorite is minions that hit board early and then spells that close from hand:)

Not really.

There isn’t spell mages were you play because the deck is redundant.

It isn’t horrendous but everything It does there is a deck who does better.
It is that simple.

Literally what was said.

maybe mage will get some healing spell from paladin this expansion. that would be nice. maybe get a useful aura too.

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These are the sort of things I expect. If they don’t do this, it’s a big miss.

Much like I expect Priest to get access to rush minions via Hunter.

My fear is that the cards won’t be playable in the original class much.

So imagine a Paladin heal card that is discounted by every spell you play that didn’t start in your deck.

Clearly designed for Mage but almost unplayable for Paladin.


New Keyword Tourist: Add destination class’s Perils in Paradise cards to the deck-building interface excluding the other class’s tourist. I think tons of people are missing this. This doesn’t mean you get full access to the 2nd class, and you get access to 9 of the 10 class cards your tourist is to your deck-builder. Its not 5 so the balance will like be there for both classes

Do you think we will see this? Because I could be knocked over with a feather if we did.

I mean it’s very possible. Maybe instead of healing it’s divine shield. Clearly, you’ll be able to do some paladin stuff. Look at the Rogue card Paladin has access to. 2 mana get 4 minions. Rogue only gets 2 mana get 2. Rogue is all about getting value for cheap mana. If paladin gets access to that, you should expect to get access to paladin stuff as mage if that’s your tourist destination. Maybe you don’t get healing or divine shield, maybe you get minion buffs or resurrecting instead. Who knows? Maybe you get a weapon.


The real fear is that not all the cards are equally balanced and certain classes packages create a large class disparity in decks. I hope they tested these cards thoroughly.

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I know i typed that out and hit Reply and realized i wasn’t thinking clearly. It’s the Q&A/Designer in me.

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I kind of missed that part but is it possible to add the tourist with another tourist? :slight_smile:

Mage into paladin might get some cheap holy spells that deal damage for rainbow mage.

No it is not currently going to be possible to chain them

Unless they print things to drastically undermine Reno decks, nothing will change. They need to create some sort of counterplay to them. As it stands removal is so powerful that getting to late game is comically easy.

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I say they get rid of Reno. In Wild the card is just as bad in it’s own way as Time Warp ever was.