My experience in this forum

I find a strange mix of feeling of disturbing, amusing, sadness, etc of posters that seems to incite unrest, conflict, etc on others.

What is your experience?
How do you deal with them?
(Especially if they directly/indirectly targets you)


I just see many people who didn’t learn healthy coping skills in life and now hide their issues by seeking approval from random people online instead of seeking the clinical help that they need.

I find some useful information on here. That’s why I come back. You just can’t take things personally. Gotta realize it’s just a game. Enough real life stress to deal with; can’t get bothered by stuff said on a forum.


im kinda concerned for the mental state of a lot of forum members who seems to be convinced that a billion dollar company have a personal vendetta against them


I’m mostly amused by the forums (otherwise why be here at all?). Most rage posts are par for the course of gaming forums, but every now and then I see one that makes me pause and wonder if there’s something actually wrong with the poster. As in, unaddressed-anger-issues-that-will-blow-someday wrong. Probably not though.

As taking things personally, it’s a hard to do so. This is a very narrow and specific part of who I am, with some stuff muted and other stuff exaggerated for effect. So it’s hard to take anything here seriously because who I am here isn’t really who I am, it’s just a facet. And of course, we’re not talking about any deep and consequential subject. It’s a videogame forum. None of what’s discussed here actually matters in the long run (not that anything matters over the long enough run, but that’s a talk for another day).


You seem to care about this so much, why not just take a break?
Some people just find it relieving to drop their salt and find some fellow morons who agree with them on the official forum because they’d be downvoted to hell on Reddit and be ratioed on Twitter.

My cute Reavvvvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
The only thing you receive and feel in this forum is affection;P


I’m also concerned why people are absolutely convinced that this same billion dollar company headed by Activision greed is hard defending this game for no reason.

People like you keep saying this and I don’t think anyone here has actually said that. They don’t (can’t) have a personal vendetta against people they don’t know. The same is true for you who would clearly hard defend the game with no reason too.

Bobby Kotick: Well done Peverin for being a staunch follower! I’ll make sure you’ll get a free expansion bundle next time.

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Hi … I’m captine AMerica and I use my trust sheild to deflect insults and bad language.

you should give it a try

Wardrum man… Wardrum

I have been seasoned enough not to take things personally, but I have seen some poster seemingly target specific posters.

Some usual punters and arguments is within expectation, but some cases has been beyond that.

The intent is not discussion but more like wanting to anger the other party. The difference being on a discussion topic vs things unrelated to discussion.

Often, adding labels or misleading contents on the target poster. Worse still, when it becomes a stalking presence.


Oh, I definitely agree such behavior is not conducive to discussions.

And yet, I know I’ve made posts aimed less at constructive discussion and more to make fun of someone’s (often poor) arguments. In my defense, I generally do so only if I get the sense the person I’m replying to isn’t interested in a discussion, but I can’t say for sure that’s the case, no? So while I can intellectually understand why certain comments aren’t constructive, they are so much fun to write.

Given that, it’s hard for me to lean too hard on the idea that non-constructive comments should be discouraged. He who is first of sin, and all that.


Yes, that where we are amused by those witty post. Small doses are enjoyable.
But, those are not what disturbs me. There had been some very disturbing post, which I suspect entertains another group of posters.

I mean I wouldn’t quite say a personal vendetta that they’re claiming but rather that there’s business to be gained by not letting people win regularly. If someone wins more then someone is losing more and then you have someone getting more resources and potentially someone quitting.

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Some people have actually claimed this but, yes, in general some people (not even saying most) think a random number generator assigns people karma points for how badly HS is going to screw them.

I’ve been F2P (up to Un’Goro), paid (until Demon Hunter), and just recently came back. In all of these settings I’ve been a legend player so based on my anecdotal experience I have never seen anything that screams the matchmaker is doing anything except matching up based on rank/mmr(now).

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I wasn’t necessarily saying they were right or wrong, but claiming it’s “personal” is not what the people are doing. They’re saying it’s basically a part of the business model which makes more sense than what was claimed as being that they think they care about the singular person.

No one ever brings up the flip side of this: the business to be lost if it was ever discovered that Blizzard was intentionally fudging the RNG, whether it’s matchmaking, card draw order, etc. I’m 100% F2P, so don’t take my opinion as gospel, but if you had spent money on this game and then found out it was anything other than bad luck and your own play mistakes that were the cause of lost games, wouldn’t you be infuriated and refuse to ever spend money on this or any Blizzard game in the future?

Edit: I would argue that the risks involved with being ‘caught red-handed’, dollar-wise, are orders of magnitude higher than the meager amount of money to be gained by ‘tricking’ players into buying more packs.


Except it wouldn’t as even I can say I still play even though the pervasive PROVABLE nonsense giving brain dead play easier wins as evidenced by the quick nerf to Far Watch Post and yet here I am with proof in hand that they want to nerf that yet let the inverse exist.

I wasn’t arguing with you specifically, Pure. My response might have been better suited for the rigged matchmaking thread. I was just pointing out the tendency on this forum for the conspiracy theorists to never critically think about the consequences for Blizzard if their theories turned out to be true.

I have been reading posts on this forum since I started played Hearthstone 7 years ago. Albeit now the original forum is gone and was replaced some time ago with a new format.
In the beginning I was looking for specific posts/topic of interest that might be helpful in becoming better at the game.
I never was really much of an “active” poster but did read a lot about the current goings on within the game. Mostly to try and gain useful information or advice that would help me ranking up or choosing what cards to craft and things of that nature.
My first posts were usually asking advice and I would get some helpful feedback.
I also have made “bug reports” when something needed to be looked into as possibly being broken card play.
My posts and replies until recently were always of the kinds I just explained.
I did receive some help on questions I had asked and that made me happy to be part of the community.
I also received a lot of negativity for asking questions or having an opinion on any given topic.
The negative replies never bothered me much personally, but when I started to see others asking for advice and getting “toxic” replies I became less inclined to ask and more of just a reader.
It wasn’t that I was afraid to post but I sure didn’t want to let those who seem to enjoy that kind of environment get more attention.
So l learned to problem solve through reading the posts looking for answers.
I really enjoy the game and no intention of quitting, and I have decided to try and become more active in the forums recently.
I am by no-means a “pro” and I am happy with whatever rank I end up at each month.
I will always advocate for any person within this forum who is trying to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy.
A forum should be open for everyone to express their ideas about the game.
It does bother me to see blatant toxicity towards others who didn’t come here for anything else but some helpful advice or having an opinion.
A debate can be done without toxicity towards others.
I am realistic in the fact that some people will have feelings hurt because others don’t agree with them.
I have ended my last few posts with a quote that I try and live up to personally each day.
‘There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.’