Murloc Holmes Adjustment

This is probably one of my favorite flavor cards ever printed with a massive upswing for 3 mana. 3/4 draw 3 with insight on your opponent. But I do believe you should receive the cards you answer correctly, not just getting all 3. Nothing feels worse then getting 2 guesses right then bombing on the third. Please and thank you

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Following because i got this in diamond flavor and i agree with this change

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That defeats the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, the inspiration of the character. Sherlock is only fiction’s greatest detective (aside from Batman) because when he makes his call on solving the mystery he doesnt make any mistakes or a bad call (as that would yield an incorrect solution). Giving partial credit isnt something you would want a real detective to ask for if their verdict puts the wrong person in jail and the real criminal goes free. The use of such a gamble card is high risk = high reward/no reward.

Might I suggest a card like Brann to give you a 2nd chance to get it right, potentially even getting both right and gaining all the cards both times.

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