Multiple titans should not be allowed

unless it was discovered during combat or granted as a copy due to another cards effect. i don’t think is fair to be able to place more than one titan card into your deck while building it.

Discovering of the same powerful cards multipple time shouldn’t be allowed either, aggro cards mass buff shouldn’t be allowed either just like infinity… but they are still happens… balance is ruined, we all know that…

So you say, yogg shouldnt be playable with other titans, mind to tell ous why and how that makes sence?

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The only thing I can come up with would be that in the Yogg Raid, they dont make you fight the other Titans at the same time as Yogg itself. lol.

But nah Im fine with being able to make a copy of your Titan and shuffle copies into your deck, etc. Multiple Different Titans? Yeah I think that can be an issue…

In my head I’d say a good compromise would be that you could only have one Titan on the field at a time that had abilities to use. (A spent one that is just a minion that can attack now wouldn’t count as one anymore, in other words).