Multiple cards missing after year change

After the change in year, multiple cards disappeared from my collection. These appear to be cards that I owned which then entered the core set, then left the core set (e.g. shadowed spirit). I know that I had them before the change as I’m a completest (in previous years I have ensured that I complete every set before it rotates out of standard). I believed this may also have happed on a smaller scale in the past when card sets have been redefined.


I know I had 2 copies as well, they are now gone. Some of the cards that are reported missing, are actually present in my deck, and I have to remove and re-add them.

Sometimes it’s a matter of searching and re-adding. For me, the Tour Guide showed up as missing in a few decks, but was still in my collection.

You may also see odd results for cards that shift to legacy when they fall out of core.

that happened to all my decks with zillax in them i had to re add it in wild

This always seems to happen and it’s getting so old. If I fix my decks tonight and then leave collection and go back in they’re broken again.

There are cards actually missing as well though. I have almost every card and it’s saying I’m missing common cards like tour guide that I’m certain I had. I think something like this happened before.

as posted a few lines up: Sometimes it’s a matter of searching and re-adding. For me, the Tour Guide showed up as missing in a few decks, but was still in my collection. Just search for it, remove it, and re-add it.

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clearly you have bad memeory

My guess is the Core version of these cards were in the decks, which is gone. The original version you owned (if you owned it) should be available.

It’d be nice if they did something about this on rotation, but it seems waaaaay on the outskirts of their radar if so.

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What part of 100% do you not understand? I had 100% of the collection from that point in history. There is no memory involved.

he probably disenchanted it people often disenschant cards that are on core and only notice they disenchanted all copies when the card is removed from core

i checked and tourguides werent removed from collections

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Some cards were made specifically for Core and have now been added to Legacy. No one owned them. Everyone who wants to play them in Wild needs to either craft them or open a Wild pack and hope to get them (Wild packs are going to be the best way to get the commons and rares due to duplicate protection but epics and legendaries would probably take way too long to get that way unless, like you, they have almost a full collection.)

The cards that fall into this category are:
Ysera the Dreamer
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
Aegwynn, the Guardian
Selective Breeder
Shadowed Spirit
Emerald Skytalon
Overseer Frigidara
Lord Marrowgar
Ymirjar Deathbringer
Bonedigger Geist
Graveyard Shift
Corrupted Ashbringer
Heart Strike
Rimefang Sword
Repulsive Gargantuan
Rime Sculptor


Some cards were created specifically as part of Core, and were never in any expansion.

So now that they have rotated out of Core, they are no longer in your collection.

So, your mistake was thinking that “I own every card from every expansion” is the same thing as “I own every card”.

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I think the problem for me at least, is I had included the GOLDEN versions of the card, which I didn’t own, and had to replace those with the regular version, which I do own. Ideally they would have just automatically done this, but instead all my decks were “missing” cards despite having said cards (just not in Golden free form)


Kind of sad nobody actually knows how this game works.

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Yeah, it would be nice if it automatically updated your decks to swap in equivalent cards.


yup same. i had to search and re-add. very clumsy implementation.