Multiple cards i own are now missing from my collection

I just logged on this morning (AEST) here in Eastern Australia, and multiple decks of mine are missing cards that i already owned - in fact, it would appear they need to be re-crafted and THAT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.

What has happened Blizzard? You have changed the year again, like normal, but you do not get to remove cards i already own and crafted over time under any circumstances! What is going on and when are you fixing it?

This is not acceptable behaviour by Blizzard at all.
And no, i have not accidentally destroyed any of them, because it is cards like Earthen Scales, Reno Jackson, Brann Bronzebeard, Dire Frenzy, Maelstrom Portal, Tidal Surge, and Mistress of Mixtures…!!!

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Check out this post from not long ago:

rotation is aceptable and actually something really popular and going by " changed year again" you arent a new player…

I have a similar problem. I lost several non core cards i even crafted myself through this problem. It seems that when searching the removed cards and having them on display while removing them from the deck, you don’t lose the cards. But when you simply remove them from the deck they are lost and can only be crafted again. These cards also show the tag “UNKNOWN”, “will be unlocked at level x”.

If you owned a copy of a card that was in the core set before rotation, you still have it now, but you won’t be able to find it in the core set.

For example, Brann Bronzebeard is part of the “League of Explorers” set, but it was not possible to use that copy of the card in standard last year, because League of Explorers cards are not allowed in standard.

However, Brann was also available as part of last years core set, so many players had 2 copies of Brann. But, because you can’t use the LoE copy in standard, you had to use the core copy instead.

After rotation, the core copy of Brann has disappeared, but the LoE copy should still be available.

Change your deck from standard format to wild, then search for Brann, and you should find the LoE version.

Same goes for all the other core cards that rotated… the core copy has gone, but the original copy(ies) should still be in your collection, you just have to search for them.

Hope that helps.