Mulligan could be better if different

Supposedly, the current mulligan mechanics lets you redraw your opening hands. I used the word supposedly because I feel that more often than not even when I mulligan I still get the same cards back or getting the same cards immediately after.

Which is why I propose that maybe mulligan should hard code it so that it draws different card. currently you could put up to 2 copies of each card which means a deck would contain anywhere from 15 to 30 different cards. I propose that when you mulligan xyz you’ll get maybe abc or def but not xyz again. So even though the new mulligan mechanics removed a little randomness from the game, it doesn’t remove it completely as in it won’t guarantee you that you’ll get a 1 2 3 cost card but make sure that you won’t get stuck with that 8 9 10 cost card that forces you to sit on your thumb doing nothing.

If you don’t want to draw the second copy, don’t run it. The mulligan system is fine. It randomly draws of the card pool you have left. You are, truly, the only one who thinks this system is a problem.

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I think the mulligan would be fine if it were true statistical/random/chance (aka skill expressive) rather than being defined by your MMR and W/L streak and Whale/F2P status etc, aka the Algorithm deciding mulligan outcome, is just lame.