Mulligan and card draw

Is there anyone else besides me here that when you Mulligan your cards in your starting hand that either A… you get them back or B… as soon as you draw your first card you get back what you just tossed back? I’ve had this happen to me a lot, I do not think HS card draw is working very well. When I play a card game IRL with real cards and do mulligans stuff like this hardly to never happens but in HS it happens to me a high percentage of them time. Anyone else have this issue?

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It is part of the algorithm, if it decides it wants you to lose the game, it will do anything it can (as sneakily as possible) to ensure that happens. Like you noticed, this can easily and often happen via hand/mulligan/draw.

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Watta Trololololololol :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I laugh to keep from crying too :rofl::cry:

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it might be because in real life people have a certain bias towards not reshuffling a card into a deck in a way so that even though you mulliganed it away you simply end up getting it back again since there would be no point, a computer algorithm would treat each card fairly even if it was just reshuffled into the deck so it may seem like that

You never get the same card again.
What happens is that you’ll get the second copy of that card.

Just try runing a deck without duplicates for a while and you’ll quickly notice that those second copies mess with your mind.

It’s no algorithm or anything just duplicates and math.

Happens to me all the time. About 8 times as often as it “should”, statistically speaking.

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I’m fairly sure this isn’t true. When you mulligan the deck shuffles so you can still draw the same card again.

Note that such cards which are mulliganed away are not added back into the pool for possible replacements. If only one copy of the card is in the deck, it is impossible to draw it as a replacement.

From the wiki.

Oh, well learned something new! In any case I seem to draw cards I mulligan on the 1st turn at what seems like a higher than average rate.

I had doubts myself, reason I looked it up.

There might be a chance where this is from the old wiki and it doesn’t account for the new rules of the game. I actually think I’ve had it happen to me as well where you draw the same card again, but now I am not too sure.

Yeah I thought I’v mulliganed a legendary and gotten it back but it might have instead been the 1st draw that I get it back… still annoying!