Most glaring issues overlooked in latest nerfs

Reno needed to be slapped down obviously. But nothing was done about the demon seed warlocks, or the pallies who can put all four horsemen out on one turn and instakill.

Unbelievably the demon seed warlock was again buffed with the healthstone card. The mass production card needs serious attention,

You have these trashcan legends thinking they have any amount of skill when absolutely anyone can make serious rank on this garbage. I have to once again ask who at blizzard is playing these decks?

Posting credentials: multilegend and multi-lightforged arena key

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i understand the complain about demon seed but

that paladin deck ? most decks in wild wont let you get to the point you can summon the horsemen

the only decks that allowed me to do this almost every game is a mage deck ive seen people call “hostage mage” and a druid deck focused only on stacking armor … and nothing else

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That armor stacking druid deck is why I quit Wild, played against one where they hit almost 3000 armor,sure they ended eating through their deck, but so what? I could burn through my deck, throwing minions and spells every turn and still die from fatigue before even taking out half their armor

if only they could print a neutral card that prevents fatigue, or one the destroys armor…

oh wait

they did

If only they made it so you can predict what you’re going to play against…



problem solved

I probably should have mentioned that my last six legend ranks have been on a jackpot rogue which is way off-meta