Most annoying card....and go

Can we please get the 7 cost murloc eat a minion in your opponent’s hand banned? For real though.

Mutanis isnt a ban worth card. its a tech card and there are FAR MORE cards in the game that deserve an axe before tech cards. yes its infuriating but hes not even top 50 cards that deserve actual changes/bans

The one that just wont draw… like when you are a rattlegore in duels and you;ve got your opponent’s deck 12 out 16 cards left deep with bombs… but they just dont draw…

Or the mulligans that are worse and higher cost than what you threw back (3x 5 costs get mulligan’d into 3x 9 costs instead). lol

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I don’t know about you guys, but I am really starting to hate that 9 mana “recast every spell that didn’t start in your deck” card.

I have a pretty strong dislike of “go infinite” type combos anyways but with cards like rewind, it’s pretty unbearable.