More Than Five Secrets?

Can we please get more than 5 secrets at a time? The technology is there, is it a balance thing? When I play Secret Paladin deck it can be sad because there is a limit of 5 secrets. I’m not saying make unlimited secrets, that would be too unbalanced. But maybe we can get the cap increased for those secret heavy decks? Or would it be too much fun to allow? Wait I know, maybe create a neutral card which has some effect which increases the number of secrets you can have. Please

It’s an aesthetic thing.

Is it? On mobile it is literally just a circle on the portrait with the # of secrets. On PC it’s the christmas tree but with 5+ secrets could easily slide into how the mobile version does it.

I think it’s just a balance thing kind of like how you can only have 7 minions on the board

True, very true…dang