More Story Please!

In regards to story, there’s nothing saying they couldn’t bring Sally from undeath back into her original living comely form. xD Stranger things have happened, right?

As regards to her as a Hero Skin, I know Sally is now a Death Knight, but she still has two Hero Skins as a Priestess: Sally Whitemane and Electro Swing Sally. There’s also a Legendary card of her as Priestess, though it’s no longer in Standard.

As far as her becoming a Hero Skin as a Death Knight, I very enthusiastically agree with you. I made a request about that a while ago, right here:

Death Knight skin idea: Darion Mograine’s fellow Horsemen - Community Discussion - Hearthstone Forums (

Technically, it’s a request for all the Horsemen, but it would also be Sally if they actualized the request. I originally just requested Sally, but when I thought about it, I didn’t see the logic in requesting just her when Darion already exists as a Horseman Hero Skin but none of his fellow Horsemen do.