More Story Please!

The current Hearthstone perspective on Warcraft lore is great and I want more!

We need more Solo Adventure content for sure, but maybe spice them up a bit. Perhaps add an in game cutscene?

Another out of game request would be some sort of manga/graphic novel. Hearthstone to me would fit that medium perfectly.

Finally, can we get some video shorts too? WoW has quite a few of these they get every expansion so why not Hearthstone?

Any other thoughts on how to get more story from Hearthstone?

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Agreed, i miss the PVE bit of hearthstone.


I miss the old adventures. Would love to see stuff like league of explorers or Lich King . But the new stuff like book of heroes/mercs? Nah. That’s mid.

This you?


What’s wrong with Book of Heroes?

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They should completely remove all of the modes that I don’t play and focus all of their efforts on the mode that I do play. Me me me me me.


I want more story about Lady Liadrin and Sally Whitemane. Cute priest and paladin girls lead to much greater enthusiasm about the game. :slight_smile:

Aw, fine, I’ll admit it, all the other cute girls cause the same effect too.

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Lady Liadrin seems straight forward. Sally is canonically a Death Knight now. I’m wondering if they will ever create a hero skin for her as a Death Knight.

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In regards to story, there’s nothing saying they couldn’t bring Sally from undeath back into her original living comely form. xD Stranger things have happened, right?

As regards to her as a Hero Skin, I know Sally is now a Death Knight, but she still has two Hero Skins as a Priestess: Sally Whitemane and Electro Swing Sally. There’s also a Legendary card of her as Priestess, though it’s no longer in Standard.

As far as her becoming a Hero Skin as a Death Knight, I very enthusiastically agree with you. I made a request about that a while ago, right here:

Death Knight skin idea: Darion Mograine’s fellow Horsemen - Community Discussion - Hearthstone Forums (

Technically, it’s a request for all the Horsemen, but it would also be Sally if they actualized the request. I originally just requested Sally, but when I thought about it, I didn’t see the logic in requesting just her when Darion already exists as a Horseman Hero Skin but none of his fellow Horsemen do.