More Proof I am right

Ok, I have stated before that cards are curated by the Algo.
I have also stated the matches are not random. The algo is not picking two players out of a hat randomly. It looks at your cards and the opponents.
I have stated that I can predict the winner within the first few cards by seeing what the algo gave me or what it’s withholding or what it burns on a burn.

New example: Similar to a previous post where I stated if the algo burns the most important card that would beat their premade deck then it already determined you will lose.
Matched up with a druid. They fill their hand, I play that murlock that draws two cards, use brew dude next turn to play it again.
They burn some cards. I burn one card.
Guess which card at the start of the game out of all my cards "randomly"got burned?
You guessed it: The Geist that destroys spells that cost 1 mana.
So yes right there I knew I was up against a emerald golum druid without even having to see any of their cards.
I also knew the algo predertmined my loss.
And I did lose.

The fact I guessed right, without seeing even one of their cards is either luck or genius.

Guessed it was a emerald golum druid and I would lose.


Gee, I wonder which of these two it was…


Ranting, venting, claiming but all we’ve got here is just your paranoid word
The title indicates there’s proof but there’s none

You’re describing a game
Events happen
From those events you’re able to say who’s gonna win or lose
So far everything is normal, there are a lot of cases where you can tell early on who has the greater odds of winning based on the first turns
Then you claim that this was predetermined, not random.
But where’s your proof of that ?


The smarter a person is, the luckier they seem to be…take card counting in blackjack, for example. So I would say it’s probably more that you are on such a high level, that skill/genius gets disguised as luck.

Funnily enough, exactly this happened to me last time I played in wild, lol.

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The algo will always “randomly” destroy the one card that would have turned the tables on a pre-made deck that might be vulnerable to a one card defeat if the algo wants that player to win. You can play all kinds of spells and cards that do random stuff, but it will never change the outcome once you see that one card burned. Start paying attention.
And face it if a player is spending real money they need to get some wins.
If you designed a game, wouldn’t you make sure they get some wins if they are spending cash?
Until you need them to start losing, to spend more?

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Yea, at this point I am pretty sure that our genius level IQ friend even doesn´t know what is the meaning of “proof”.
(For all the geniuses here: No, proof does not really mean random anecdote about event which happened to you, most of the time highly exaggerated)

No…thanks for playing the reverse uno card though…Blackjack is a game of probabilities, which right now played with 4 card decks randomly cut might make your counting harder. Compared to HS, unless the dealer is freaking houdiny itself then the game might not be rigged, while in HS you are left to the fate of some random programmer…How do you know the game isn’t rigged when there are so many bugs in this game, the algorithm might be bugged and you wouldn’t even know.

So yea, the “it seems that the smarter you are the luckier you are” card ain’t working here.

I feel that way after reading your comment :man_facepalming:

Some people…


OP, as much as I have stuck up for you and your opinions and respect that we all think differently, these threads are getting ridiculous and spammy.

Also here is a tip. Anyone who has to tell others they are a genius, ain’t no genius.

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I think you agree though that guessing right, after seeing the geist being burned by the algo, is pretty good proof that I know what’s up from pattern recognition. I have played since the game came out.
There would have been no other way to guess except through years of pattern recognition and understanding the algo.
If the algo had burned a card that would have had no impact on the druid deck, like say a “sheep spell” or some other inconsequential card, then I would not have been able to guess.
The fact it was the one card out of 40 that would have destroyed the pre-made deck was enough for me to guess.
The same would be true if I was playing against a roge deck and saw none of their cards and it burned the weapon stealer card.
I would guess they are playing the magic weapon deck.

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Couple notes.

Don’t they usually have another with that sideboard card?
It’s also possible to reduce the cost which would get around Geist I believe.
Also, if you need a specific card to beat this specific Druid deck, it might be smarter to not burn your own cards until you either find it or identify that your opponent isn’t playing Jade Druid.

On a final note, if you truly believe the game is decided before it even starts then it doesn’t matter what card was burned or what cards you were given. The game would always progress towards the predetermined outcome regardless. Your complaint isn’t that it’s not random, it’s that you believe you can tell it’s not random. Food for thought.

Sir, if you are coding the algo to predetermine winners and losers, which is what I would do to make sure the game seems balanced and if someone just spent big bucks have them win more or if someone is not spending have them lose more. You code it as simple as possible. Without my geist, my deck can’t beat an emerald golum druid. With the geist it will beat the emerald golum druid 100%. So removing the geist guaranteed a loss for me.
I have a very high IQ and understand this completely. Your mind is going off on tangents like they could make their emerald golums cost zero. Well they didn’t have a card in their deck to do that. Creating fake scenarios is pointless. My geist would have made me 100% the winner. Without it they were 100% the winner. The coding for that is simple. You act like they are writing trillions of lines of code. You want to keep it simple.
This is a business, sir. Gacha video games have been proven in court to do precisely what I just stated, to make maximum profits.
Do you agree if you made a for-profit game, you would do exactly what I stated? Reward spenders until you want them to spend more by giving them slowly increasing losing matches. Would you agree sir if you controlled the decks for two players and could curate their cards for them YOU could decide the winner and loser of every game?


Ignoring the rest for the moment, if the above is true then I will say again

It sounds like you only have yourself to blame for this loss.

Sir, the algo would not have put me up against the druid emerald golum if there was some other scenario that would have cursed me to win.
I think you are missing the entire point.
The matches are curated, not random.
The algo does not pick opponents out of a hat at randomly. It looks at both players cards first.
If you build a specific deck to beat a pre-made deck, you will never be put up against the pre-made deck.
The flaw in your thinking is that you believe it’s random.
Lets say you get 100 demon seed games in a row and lose every single one, so you build a deck to specifically beat demon seed that will win 100% of the time against demon seed. Well guess what.
You won’t get put up against demon seed anymore. You are creating scenarios in your mind that don’t exist. It’s not an argument.
It’s like saying “would you believe in god if he wrote on the moon he exists.”
That’s not an argument.

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They aren’t being curated by a pre-programmed alogorithm, you were playing a developer account. They have been enabled with tools that let them select cards at will. The company bonuses aren’t cutting it anymore, they are running side businesses selling access to these accounts.

:rofl: :rofl: This is pure gold. I love this guy. :rofl: :rofl:

1 match can’t prove anything… When I create a deck, I need to play atleast 10-15 matches to see if it is working or not. (I always try to build my own deck, not using meta usually) Until you can win 50%, it is not rigged. About 50% lose is forced on us, that is true and you need skills to win more than that basically… unless you play one of the most unbalanced OP decks which should not even exist. The problem is that in my opinion, this game is not based on strategy anymore… it is about Over Power which can defeat everything… It is another thing since the game is full of OP and “random” mechanics… it can force you lose more easy than ever. This is the wrong direction where the game went I think… the developers lost control on power level of the cards. 1 more great OP card like Brann, Boomboss and I will stop playing too until these rotates out… I had enough of this suffering… this is not entertaining anymore.

You just stated that 50% losses are forced on you.

That is curating, like I said. Curating is rigging.
If it wasn’t curated, there is no reason someone could not win 10,000 games in a row based on the deck they created and skill.
The Algo would never allow that though.

I have made my own decks before, well-thought-out decks, and I would win game after game with the deck. Onetime almost 20 games in a row, until the algo figured out what the synergy of the deck was that was making me win.
Once it figured it out the algo would separate the cards that synergy causing me to win. Card A at the front of the deck and card B that works with A would now be put at the back of the deck.
After 20 wins in a row and the algo forced card separations, it became almost impossible to win with the same deck and I discarded it.

I have played since the game came out so I have seen quite a bit and understand how the curation works.