More New Warrior Cards, including Voone legendary

I don’t think that the control archetype would be able to win any games at this point-was too relied on Shield Shatter for board clear.

This is actually why DK will be the absolute winner coming out of this expansion and rotation.

EVERYTHING loses power… except DK, which actually gains power.

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Rogue: maniacal laughter

This is why I predict unholy on top, unlike today, they will have a go-face finisher…
followed by rogue, that beats everything that targets unholy.
and tony warrior to target rogue.

Blood DK will fold Menagerie and BRnR warrior all day, every day. And Blood DK is currently the most popular deck in the game, even though it’s one of the worst.

Tony Warrior might have a shot at beating Blood but it comes down to whether or not they draw Patchwerk before you get your combo pieces.

Control Warrior can currently dump on both Frost and Unholy Aggro but it’s losing all of the tools that allow that to happen.

They do lose Edwin and dancer.

Point is, everyone loses something they need now. Except DK.

DK will be an unstoppable force on release.

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Yes, that’s why it’s bad. The theoretical meta where most classes are playing into the later turns and so you have enough time to pull off this reeeeeeaaaaaaly slow strategy doesn’t exist. Or to put it another way, these Warrior cards were designed in some alternate dimension where the game went in a VERY different direction and were then transported to our timeline where they’re bad.

I think the hs team used chat gpt to make the cards.

Q: design a hearthstone warrior card
Sure, here’s a design for a Hearthstone Warrior card:
Card Name: Battlecry Champion
Mana Cost: 5
Card Type: Minion
Attack: 4
Health: 5
Card Text: Battlecry: Give your hero +3 attack this turn.

about the same power level

Q: design a rogue card
Sure, here’s a design for a Hearthstone Rogue card:
Card Name: Shadowstep Assassin
Mana Cost: 3
Card Type: Minion
Attack: 2
Health: 3
Card Text: Battlecry: Return a friendly minion to your hand. It costs (2) less.

Kinda wish they did… this is a good shaman card…

Card Name: Thunderstorm Caller
Mana Cost: 4
Card Type: Minion
Attack: 3
Health: 5
Card Text: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. If you have Overloaded mana crystals, deal 3 damage instead.

Blood DK is problematic in general if we’re talking about opposing board-oriented decks, since Soulstealer is way too good and can be discovered in multiple ways.

OH, BY THE WAY, Soulstealer is quite literally the Warrior legendary from Black Rock adventure, which always wins brawls and casts brawl as battlecry.


I think the big overarching problem with Warrior’s cards for this set is that they REALLY needed something to tie everything together for some coherent strategy because of all the weird unfocused stuff they’ve been given for the last year and if a payoff or lynchpin for the class was what they needed, the devs dropped the ball HARD.

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Pretty sure they’re just doing it on purpose. Every single expansion they’re NOT giving us more removals, NOT giving us armor gains, and release an unrelated package with little to 0 synergies to the previous expansions.

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You guys do know that Voone is just a reprint of

The original saw no play back in Rastakhan’s Rumble. And this sees no play now either.

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Yes, I believe most warrior mains see this and can tell right away it sees no play based on experience.

The dev team working on warrior cards are just complete failures at this point.

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They’re doing a pretty good job of not allowing Warrior to be playable by any means.

At this point, since Warrior is destined to suck, I demand Femboy Garrosh legendary skin for the full gameplay immersion.


Thought about some possible cool combos with Voone and handbuffs-Olgra, Anima Extractor, and Crazed Wretch have no tribes.

Good grief, Blizzard. Totally not designed like that on purpose.

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Yeah, the complete lack of Tribes is insulting

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Actually, I have an important question, because I’ve seen it bandied about on Reddit. I don’t think this is how it works but if you played a duel tribe minion, would it count as both tribes for these various effects?

In other words, if you played Lava Gorger before Crowd Surfer, would Crowd Surfer gain +2/+2? Pretty sure that isn’t how it works.

It says “each different minion type”. Pretty sure it should get maximum buff by just playing amalgam.

Has anybody mentioned that dual type minions proc the effects twice yet? Could make a couple of these a heck of a lot better than you all think.

Regardless, people were always gonna go bezerk if there was no control support. I personally think Warrior is about more than that, and these look fun. We honestly don’t know if they’ll be good or not, there’s too many variables. The worst thing is riffs existing and taking up 3 cards slots, but I could be wrong I think there’s still one Warrior card to be announced and that might be the busted riff payoff. Who knows.

  1. Control is the oldest Warrior archetype.
  2. Blizzard specifically said that they are going to give Control Warrior support this year.