More New Warrior Cards, including Voone legendary

Menagerie package also has “synergy” with the new neutral legendary, “The OneAmalgam Band.”

That’s actually a neat card. I can imagine playing this with shieldblock, or lavagorger for some additional armor gain.
The issue is: warrior doesn’t have enough armor payoffs at all.

In general, it looks like blizzard just want warrior players out of the game and I’m leaving for good, if this bs doesn’t change next expansion-way too much s-t being thrown into the face with ridiculously unusable cards, each straight up worse than other class alternatives.

That guy reminds me of paladin ungoro quest reward. Which sucked, abysmally.

I like the concept and I think the design idea itself is sound. However, they failed to give us enough cards that are good enough to make the archetype work. It’s very likely that priest just flat out doesn’t function this expansion. I think that with more cards that support the archetype it could really take off. It’s possible that by the third set of the year they will have released enough good cards to make it work. But right now, we just don’t have it.

Look at the healing cards available. Fan club is good, dreamboat is good, and… that’s about it. Herald of light requires holy spells to activate it, and there just aren’t any you’d want to run in an overheal deck. Flash heal and holy nova are terrible standalone cards and are not good enough to build a deck with. Likewise holy champion and crimson clergy are not that good. Crimson clergy requires two overheal triggers to do the same thing a single grave digging does, and cathedral of atonement and handmaiden are just better draw engines. Mana geode is similarly pretty terrible. So while I think the concept is sound, the card choices for it are just not good enough. And I’m calling it now… it’s going to fail hard out the gate. Maybe good later… but won’t be right now.

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Damn, forgot that asw. Yep, we’re just doomed and blizzard wants us out of the game. Simple as that

There will probably be some tier 4 warrior deck that uses BRnR and Lor’themar for humungous taunt, rush, and charge bodies. It won’t be very strong because Warrior lacks draw and good early game these days. You could even throw Voone in there to copy Fleshshaper and Trenchstalker.

Then there’s Tony Warrior, which will probably be tier 2 or 3. And depends on no Warrior cards printed in the last three expansions (including Festival).

But yeah, I don’t see how they want Menagerie to work when we already had a decent, mulligan-dependent tempo deck with Enrage Warrior. Enrage even comes with its own dedicated weapon.

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Yeah, that’s essentially what I was getting at before. There’s no support, and all the overheal effects are… well, pretty trash. When you need another card to make another card worth it, it’s bad design. Overheal is basically a combo card that needs more cards to make it work. And the effects are lackluster. Without some major overheal end game card, it’s terrible. And looks like we won’t be getting that.

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A post from Reddit. Rhyme Spinner is uncapped and can be bounced back to hand.


I’ve never been profanity in a forum in my life. Not that I remember. But Blizzard is bringing out the worst in me.
I’ve been playing warrior since I started playing two years ago. I was hoping that in this expansion they would show something interesting. I can’t believe they are so incompetent. Warrior will be unplayable again. I have achieved legend with ENrage warrior four times and I hope I will continue to do so. But this is madness. I’m pretty sure I’ll quit this game soon.

Hahaha, these are so sh1t.

Blizzard hire me, I am not scared of telling you guys “no”, and that yall are lost.
Also, I can fix the loading animation from stalling easily.

Priest has some strong card draw options from last year, so having the cards in hand isn’t necessarily a setback. But the quality of the cards we have currently is just too low. Heartthrob and heartbreaker hedanis are the only two cards that are good enough to want to target with the overheal effect, and fan club and dreamboat are the only two healing cards that are good enough to include to actually DO the healing. I suppose clergy in the neutral pool works too… but that’s not enough to stick together and make a deck with. We just need more cards that are on the same power level as those examples. The other options are just not up to par. They can fix this with new cards releases, but until those cards exist the archetype wont work.

You forgot one little thing though-most warrior win conditions are leaving.
Kazakusan was neat till the end due to the shieldslam drake, but it’s leaving.
The quest is leaving, so quest-control decks are dead.
Galvangar is leaving, so you can’t really combo.
Rivendare is too easy to disrupt for warrior.

There are basically two cards left-enrage charger and Olgra in Enrage Warrior and that’s it-otherwise we don’t have any ways to finish the game(might need to experiment with hybrid enrage though).


Lol how do they design this garbage.

Like… why isn’t the warrior one a minion type himself? If you’re gonna make menagerie a thing, where are the dual type minions? Seriously, this makes no sense.

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Priest has the same problem actually. There is no late game. Without the deathrattles and hero card we have to rely on minions hitting face or burn through shadow. The undead shadow archetype is the most intact and is likely to see actual play, but it’s crippled without shadow ascendant, najak hexxen, and especially shadowcloth needle. There are no suitable replacements. So while it will still see play, I’m calling that it drops in rank from tier 1 down to tier 3. The overheal will be tier 4 trash.

There…is no late game to build toward. Sure clean the scenes, Lightbomb, shadow word ruin, blackwater behemoth, and whirlpool still exist but…there is no way to kill an opponent if you go that rout. You eventually die because you never apply pressure. There is zero late game inevitability in priest, so it has to be aggressive. And neither of the two archetypes are looking up. Nagas are dead without radiant, bless, and blademaster samuro, and thief priest is trash. All in all… its a hoddgepodge of 4 expansions where nothing fits together. Very much like warrior… just the standalone quality is higher.

I’m thinking I’ll go with druid, warlock, and paladin this expansion. Those are the classes that look the most fun and promising to me.

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These would all be good in some theoretical value+late game meta, but this is the year of our lord 2023. I get the sense from a lot of other cards that they TRIED to reduce the power of cards with this set but… like, they only did that for some of the classes and some of these classes needed to be brought up.

I might be hopeful that they were intending to slow down the game and bring value back as a viable option for winning the game but we started to get that with Renethal and they hit it with the nerf bat.

And it’s not even like Warrior has no cards for some kind of menagerie deck… the problem is that there’s no real strategy for that. You’re not building towards anything like someone like Rogue is.

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It’s like they have a design team for each class, and some leads missed the memo.

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Oh hey, Roaring Applause might actually be better than Conqueror’s Banner! So that’s something. At least Applause is guaranteed to draw you a card.

Here’s a thought. Death knight loses no cards on rotation. If you could play this deck with these cards TODAY, do you think you would be winning games against current frost DK, unholy DK, or triple blood DK?

Be honest with yourself. You know what the answer is just as much as I do.


Eeeeeh that’s really questionable with Priest.
Pretty sure there will be some scammy shenanigans with infinite mana cheat and shadow spell discoveries, but not having Xyrella is really bad and kills my personal favorite mill priest.

Uhm, no? If we’re talking about handbuff value, Voon needs to copy buffed cards by BRnR, so you first need to draw the buff, then Voone and minions of DIFFERENT TRIBES, and then play him, which is way too slow and too conditional for any deck.
The only possible application I can see is enabling some combo decks later, but now Voone is straight-up unplayable garbage.


So the payoff for powerslider is hoping that its a 3 mana 3/4 on turn 3? What a horrible card design… play 2 minions on the hopes that you can play a 3 mana 3/4 with rush with some stat upside later in the game when stats become even less worthwhile and far better cards exist anyway.

Seems like theres two design teams… one for the favored classes and then one for the classes they remembered were in the game and realized they had to design a bunch of cards a few days to reveal