Monk Class Yes or No?


I feel that with the introduction of Death Knight and Demon Hunter that at some point they will be introducing the Monk class. Of course those familiar with warcraft know Monks are a fully fleshed out class with 3 distinct styles full of opportunity for hearthstone.

But my question is this. Do you think this will happen, and would you even want it to? Originally I didn’t like the new class introductions but at this point, I think they were a fine addition to the game. And of course, more classes means more cards means more money for Blizz, so you know they’re probably already working on it for next Era

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Yes. It should. And should have happened before they brought shadowlands into the game.

The only plus side is we skipped an abysmal wod “expac”

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I hope it won’t… The developers already lost control in balancing with DK… don’t need any more classes into this game thats for sure… They can’t even keep in hands the classes which are already in the game…

At some point, probably.

I’d much rather see a different class than monk. Though I think the implementation would be better in HS than in WoW.

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I hope we will get Monk just because 12 is a nicer number than 11, but it should stop there. No Evokers or whatever else came later. People have been asking for Monk for ages.


I agree, no way there should be any more than 12 or Monk as the last one

The only one left is the dragon invoker. And that hot garbage can take a long back seat to monk.


There’s no rule that says HS needs to stick to WoW’s classes.

“heroes of WARCRAFT.”
Right there under the title.

  1. They removed that “heroes of warcraft” thing from the title a long time ago. I went to double check and can’t even find it on the website anymore.
  2. WoW =/= Warcraft. No one’s talking about adding a dark templar class or something.
  3. HS has always taken creative liberties with the warcraft universe. Including existing classes. No reason they can’t come up with their own or even take something from other sources like the RPG or the RTS games.
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As long as they increase the amount of cards in a pack to 7 (already should have been 6 after the addition of DH and DK), adding another class would be nice.
Otherwise, the card pool is diluted enough as it is.

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It’s still here, and it certainly isn’t heroes of starcraft. The minute they toss in overwatch, starcraft, or something equally derpy the game will be truly done for.

World of WARCRAFT.


Do you even lore? Wow picks up after wc3. Some time has passed, but still. It’s not set in a different universe, even though the current writing team loves their retcons, and it’s best to pretend after a certain point it is.

Except for, you know, following the classes, exactly. Not in order released, but in what they can do, powers, abilities (except for the dumb “priest can only rez undead” now), etc.

And back to classes:

Unless you add monk, or the (snicker) dragon evoker…you start adding random stuff from diablow (and there’s a ton of overlap with existing classes anyway). Unless you want to pull from their other ip, which leads to the issues I mentioned above.

Unless…Holy Light, I seriously hope you aren’t thinking about them creating a new class from scratch. Look at everything else they created out of nothing: mercstone, bgs, twist. It’s an unholy mess. At least with the current classes they had something to work from…giving them nothing and having to balance it against everything currently in game would be more disastrous than pulling in something from starcraft or overwatch.

Unless you were talking about pulling from oh, say D&D, witcher, or something, in which case, that’s a legal fight that no one wants to deal with.

Much simpler to add Monk and be done with it.

Also this, and long overdue.

Yeah, I’d like to see a monk class. Also a tribal tag for Pandaren. And Pandaren in BG. Who doesn’t love pandas?

And 12 classes makes more sense than 11. But I wouldn’t like to see it go above 12.

Of course, adding a new class does increase the size of each expansion. There are 2 legendaries and 2x 2 epics for every class in each expansion (not including mini sets) so that’s a lot more cards to pull from packs, or 4800 dust if you craft them.

Obviously it would be nice to get an extra card in each pack, but if they’re just commons, it won’t really help. Meh, its an extra 500 dust if you buy 100 packs. Obviously increasing the drop rates for legendaries and epics would be very nice, but I don’t see that happening.

BTW, how come there’s no Pandaren avatars on this site?

Here’s Ben_Hearthstone’s Pandaren collage:

Some of those would be great as avatars… who doesn’t want to be a panda?

BTW, I’m still on the default avatar. I did look through the options, but nothing jumped out at me. Now I realise why… no pandas. That makes me a sad panda :frowning:


By all means, show me where to find it then. Because it isn’t on bnet, it isn’t in-game and it isn’t on the website.

Again, no one said anything about that.

Do…do you understand what I even said? WoW is part of warcraft, but it’s not the entirety of it. It is not the end all be all of lore or gameplay and there definitely isn’t any need to stick to it… No one said it’s set in a different universe (though the way HS handles lore it might as well be)


Are you seriously saying HS follows what the classes can do in WoW? Powers? abilities?
Because that is absolutely laughable. Where have you been dude? Take a look at any expansion and they’ve deviated from those

Hell, the dev team doesn’t even stick with what their classes can do in HS.

Wow, you’re really scared about them adding other IPs, aren’t you?

I don’t even know if you’re going to read up to this point given how you responded, but that’d be fine. Or, you know, they could look the plethora of other potential classes that already exist too?
All your whining about adding a non-monk class could easily be used against DH and DK already. DK is already in trouble thanks to the rune system.

Let’s start with:


Then of course you literally contradict yourself in your own response:

Either you’re talking out both sides…or have no clue what you’re actually posting. Because you’re all over the place here. For someone so invested in NOT having a Monk class, you sure are tap dancing around what you specifically DO want. Also, see previous point about…you know “warcraft” game.

Aside from you, as laid out above.

After reviewing the play:

The point stands.

If you think the current team who seems focused on MORE EXPLOSIONS! has the time or patience to make the game more like an RTS…I think you’re going to be disappointed. And definitely not for reading the books, Light help anyone who treads into those unholy messes.

I knew I should have included “for the most part” since the aside about the priest wonkiness wasn’t enough to tell you they take derpy side detours. Mages cast spells, warriors have weapons and focus on fight-y style stuff, warlocks summon dark baddies and use warlock-y abilities…and so on. It’s an adaptation, so obviously it’s not going to look and feel exactly like playing a wow session.

Cue the obligatory “legal said it was ok” line from “Small Soldiers.”