Monetization of Duels, Make Duels Great Again

So I guess most of the people here are sad about all the updates to duels, which in my eyes are making duels step by step into arena with some extra steps, and once a turn give a minion+1 attack.

I see duels and I think that at the start it was close to it, as a whaky op as hell where you can do some absurdly strong stuff and some randomness so it won’t be the same each time, which was supposed to be updated to not only be wizard duels.

I believe that one of the reasons duels gets no love at all is that it is hard for them to monetize it to hell and back, so here is my two shmekels idea:

Lean into the randomness, and the discovery of your starting class and treasures.
When you start duels you discover archetype of a class, same idea as we have now but more open ended character wise, for example you discover: Explorer (Priest+Druid), Hunter, Demon(Warlock+Warrior)
This way of seeing the classes will allow blizzard to sell different classes that can represent these architype, I will leave the which character can fit which archetype, Demon can be Diablo, Mal’ganis or who ever you’d like.
Then you discover a hero power for that archetype, which will allow them to just add more and change them, and also I think you can sell different Animations and Hero_power.jpeg for more customization of the archetype you like.
Then you discover or choose like now a treasure, here you can sell golden, diamond or signature treasures.
You can sell boards the will allow you to add more flair to yourself.
Maybe even add sigh another battle pass with all of these.
Just don’t kill the format, this shouldn’t end up like mercenaries.

All of these will allow them to monetize, live up to the novelty of the format, and breath life into it.
But I want my crazy ope combos and power back.

All of these will probably won’t happen but a guy can dream.

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everything would be very nice if it weren’t for the fact that blizzard manipulates everything to bring down your win rate in the long term, it can happen in the short term that someone is as happy and perky as you are, maybe you’re also paid by blizzard, we should analyze the other posts but I haven’t time, in reality 98% of players are just victims without replication power of fake random, rng manipulated according to how much you spend, etc. Indeed I will tell you more, together with these posts it would be useful to declare the amount of dollars spent per month, because that’s where the whole house of cards collapses

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still convinced blizzard hates you uh?

I love Duels, but since they added DK and moved to a bucket style options per expansion and not per strategy/deck, it’s been sad :frowning:

Before you could easily build a Frost Mage deck, or a Murloc Shaman deck, or BigSpells, etc. Now you just have to wait for crappy buckets sorted out of the expansions you chose to play, to be left out of synergy in your deck by duel 5 or 6 (unless you’re a DK which only has 2 expansions)

We’re OK with the randomness of the treasures you get, but the buckets are just lame. Man I’ve tried to build decks using only certain expansions, and is just crap. I wish we could go back to the buckets being created per deck/style and not per expansion.
If you’re playing arcane spells and lightshows, get a lightshow bucket, if you playing skeletons, get a KT skeletons bucket as an option, if you’re playing silverhand recruits, get love, murlocs shaman? give it murlocs for that deck and not just random cards out of expansions you used in your deck building with no strategy, no synergy, just lameness.

Why do you want support to secrets in Murderous buckets if you’re going full Skeletons? Make it a Murderous Bucket for secrets and another one for skeletons.

Why you would want mechs for a lightshow one? Make one Festivals bucket for Arcane spells and another one for mechs mage.

Please allow people to maximize the playstyle of fun decks instead of filling them with random cards from X expansion. Put the fun back into fuels please!

Haven’t seen that at all tbh

Nah, screw that. Some randomness is fine, but it shouldn’t be Yogg Saron: The
nor should the powerlevel be the HS equivalent of 40k. The mode was never advertised as such

What I’m getting from all this, essentially, is you want way more customization over heroes. Neat idea, but yeah that’ll probably never happen.


They could lower the real money price on older sets and expansions, to give people a chance to fill out their collections to be able to even play duels to its fullest. As of now it costs so much in gold to even try to get enough of anything to be able to get lucky and score a legendary in an old set, let alone get enough extras to dust to make a target legendary from any older sets.

They could leave the gold price as it is to encourage IRL money purchases on the old expansions. I wouldnt mind. it isnt like the Free to play people were gonna get any of the older sets anyways. But if I could spend like $10 and get like 20 boosters from Kobolds or Gnomes or Witchwood, etc, that;d go a long way for the viability for folks like me to engage in duels.

Edit: I just thought of how that would be exploitable by people, so I’d go with a penalty for dusting these older sets that are priced down, make it not worth it to those that only want to buy a bulk amount to dust everything and not even care about the set they are buying from. something like 1 dust per card until you have a complete collection (that’s 2 of every card and 1 of each legendary, excludes goldens) So until youve got the whole collection it wouldnt be worth trying to exploit for easy dust. And by the time you do if starting from scratch, they got enough of an investment from ya to make it normal dust rates again without much worries. or some other bumper bar setting to keep exploiters from ruining something good for those of us wanting to get older sets for duels reasons.

when nearly every netdeck requires at least 1 to 15 legendaries to be able to craft said netdecks… and I dont even own a legendary from each expansion, it just isnt anything but an uphill battle.


haha :laughing: That reminds me of my fantasy of battlegrounds having like an April Fools Day event where everyone plays as Nguyen , and its called “Everybody Nguyens!” [Everybody Wins] I think it’d be a fun exhibition mode for a day or so. lol

Truer words never bin spoken

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