Moderators Seriously lacking in their moderations

So I wrote a post regarding a new combo issue regarding Rouges ability to OTK on turn 6 from hand. Than a troll decided to troll the post again and instead of removing the trolls post, the entire Thread gets deleted. I didn’t even get a system notification, it was like I never even wrote it. Forget the fact that there were other members who constructively added to the threads conversation, the fact that the moderators were to lazy to remove the trolls post individually, they just decided to delete the entire thread. (or perhaps the troll is an employee)

Moderators really need to start doing their jobs properly instead of trying to silence their lack of action on the forums.

You can’t even address these concerns via support although the TOS states if you have any questions or concerns regarding forum moderation to create a support ticket. However, support staff will always replay with… You need to address that on the forums. The only way to address it on the forum is to create a post. Basically passing the buck just like the forum moderators.

Honestly its a slap in the face to Members who actively participate in conversations that are constructive and contribute to perspectives from various angles.

Moderators have the ability to remove posts by members that purposely disrupts a thread rather than deleting the entire thread.

It really annoys me that I didn’t even get any type of notification that it was removed. Like, what a great way to hide your lack of action.

How about Moderators you start doing your jobs and actually remove posts that troll when they are flagged. Like sure you removed the entire thread, how about you go back and remove all the other flagged posts from that this person who trolled as well. How about you do your jobs.


Blizzard has automated everything they can. WoW doesn’t even have GMs anymore, let alone any of the forums.

If true, that’s very telling. WoW devs marched to beat of their own drums, and heeded very little feedback from nearly every demographic, except end-game raiders for many many years. WoW is a classic example of how devs can ruin a game after creating an initially wonderful product.

I played WoW during the first week of its release in 2004, and the first four to five years were fantastic times until about the time they introduced experience gain to battlegrounds, which heralded a ton of bad decisions to come.

I paid for two subscriptions (my two accounts) or more (I paid for some friend’s accounts, who struggled to afford the game while raising families) for nearly ten years.

I waited for them to fix WoW for my demographic for nearly 6+ years before abandoning WoW in 2015 and making sure to burn any bridges that might tempt me to back to the game.

I still have a few friends that play on WoW Classic servers.

Reflecting back on similar games, which went through similar issues, with devs failing to address things that obviously needed addressing, which resulted in them opening the door for other games to steal a big portion of their player base. Dark Ages of Camelot (DAoC) had a narrow vision of only focusing on end game content while refusing to address balance issues between classes for PvP content, which opened the door for WoW, who initially had much better PvP class balance and a more fun combat system.

Before DAoC, EverQuest devs refused to revamp their poorly designed PvP system or to include battlegrounds, which opened the door for DAoC, resulting in a large player migration from EQ to DAoC. And let’s not forget that most EQ players had left Ultima Online (UO) for better graphics, a better PvE combat system, and to avoid the harsh consequences of UO’s PVP system, which was having all your gear looted by the players who killed you.

For a laughs, players who have never seen an example of UO graphics or it PVP combat should watch a few moments to understand just how far such games have come in their evolution:

There was some great low level PvP fun to be had in DAoC battlegrounds, especially in Thidranki.

When WoW first came out in 2004, there were no battlegrounds yet in the game, but the devs initially understood the importance of BGs by announcing that the they would soon be including them into the game, which was a deciding factor for many of us who were lured from to WoW from DAoC. The two initial Battleground areas, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch, went live June 7, 2005. Arathi Basin was added to the list in Patch 1.7 on September 13, 2005.

I was a token member in my sister’s DAoC guild (I spent most my time doing PVP in the BGs, while most of my sister’s guild-mates focused on end game content, and they occasionally did some world PvP raids), when nearly her entire guild left DAoC to go play WoW.

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I basically only play battlegrounds anymore. A lot of time I used to spend playing Blizzard games is now spent playing games on my Xbox. There are other better options out there.

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Apparently the support staff has advised me that every single post that is flagged is reviewed by an actual human.

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I’m sure a few still exist here and there, but for the most part it’s all automated. A select few cases this is not bad, like restoring deleted weapons (since you can do that instantly than waiting on the ticket), but what’s terrible is once they tie actual account punishment to it. If enough people report you it will automatically punish you. I’m sure you can guess how this can be abused. When I played classic people were using it on guilds MTs on world bosses, in BGs, etc. And I heard a friend in retail got a forced name change literally ~30 seconds after someone said to mass report his name, so it happens there too. It’s awful now.

Well glad our concerns are completely unfounded.


That’s what I said to them, I was under the assumption that the forums moderators were bots and used filters to analyze the posts. However, more than one support agent assured me that each and every post flagged is reviewed by an actual Human, however, considering many of the posts that I have flagged that have been left unchecked and still remain and thus I find it hard to believe that each one is independently checked.

Yes, I’ve seen this happen in the past. The automatic silence while pending review message.

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It is no secret there is favoritism here on the forums. While some posters may harras, swear, and threaten others, I got 5 days suspension for literally apologising. No swear words, no ad hominem, just me saying that I am sorry, there there.



I almost made an op similar to yours, but I knew the same bad actors would abuse the report system to get it disappeared, as they do many other threads where topics helpful to the community get 404d.

Anyone remember the thread where the op posted the link to the solem video and we were discussing the marketing tactics actiblizz used to push people into making purchases? Yet ANOTHER example of what you’re talking about.

The new system (where the moderation is automated, THEN “looked at” by a human) is ripe for abuse. Certain posters get a free pass to abuse the report system (even going so far as to use alt accounts to mass flag posts (which the mods will just blindly go along with) and the so called “review” process is just rubber stamping whatever the automated system kicks up to them…except for posts from certain people on the forums.

EXACTLY! As evidenced by literally years of their coc violating posts (including so called “final warning” offenses). I’ve constantly told people: don’t take my word for it: look at any thread where someone brings up an issue with the game, and the pro company posters show up to troll, harass, name call, and violate coc with impunity (things that would get a post removed including a snarky mod edit) yet it gets completely ignored by the mods.

This highlights the issue with the mass flag system, and the so called “review” process. Under the old system, you had to actually type the reason for your report, and EVERY report was manually reviewed. And they actually actioned abuses of the report system.

Exactly. People pointed out these issues would happen with the new system, both on the forums and in game, and even made youtube videos about them and yet they were implemented anyway. Many people here have pointed out actually asking them to do their jobs results in getting brutish and thug like threats from them when they just want more than a cut/paste response and an actual…you know, customer service interaction. When customers come to you and tells you there’s a problem, especially with rampant trolling, harassment, hate speech, and even threats…the response is “we’re upholding the intended game design” it tells you all you need to know about a company that buried abuse reports for years, retaliated against whistleblowers, and interfered with legal investigations into all this misconduct.