Mobile client size and subsequent data download

Blizzard, why have you changed the mobile client (iOS specifically) to only 700MB and then force users to download additional 3GB when launching the game? That’s ridiculous.

The whole point of game client is to simply download and install the game, it shouldn’t require any additional data to be downloaded on top of the basic installation.

There really is no benefit - but instead major downside of having to leave the game run and download 3GB of data - what’s the point of this?

Please go back to the old 4GB installation (preferably less if the graphics can be compressed more) and NO additional download afterwards.


It’s really weird, especially right when their game is setting off malware alarms left right and center (they claim it’s a false alarm, but time will tell).

People have been asking for years for a smaller install…but they keep inflating this bloatware.

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I wouldn’t necessarily mind 4GB (even if it’s a lot) but what annoys me is that I need to download 3GB after the latest patch. So can’t use other apps, drains battery unnecessarily etc.


which patch ? i just updated my phone and didnt have to download 3gb
it was close to 1gb between store update and ingame download

The latest one from yesterday. On my iPhone it’s showing 700MB app size but when first launching, it requires over 3GB data download - otherwise you can’t play.

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So, what is the issue here? Just plug the phone to the charger or whatever and be done with. 3GBs aint nothing.

The issue is that instead of just installing the game, I need to download 3GB when the game is running. Pretty bad design.


And it takes how long?

Around 4 hours with my internet connection. And no you don’t need to tell me it’s bad. Yes it is - but there’s no reason to have to download all this data while IN GAME in the first place.

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ohh must be an iphone thing

My in game download approx 22 hours ago was 3gb, very annoying because you cant do anything besides plug it in and leave it running hs for a hour while It goes 1-3000.

You can put the App Store in the background, and it will download. you cant put hearthstone in the background, It will just stop downloading.

Yea its probably an iOS thing, still does not help.


Phones are for calling other people.

Play games on PC.
Call others by phone.

Mobile gaming needs to DIAF.

im guessing is because its an android phone

the ones complaining about the size so far all had iphones /ios

Ja gram na tablecie. Wczoraj nie mogłam wejść do gry bo wyświetlał się komunikat, że potrzebna aktualizacja, której obecnie nie ma w sklepie. Natomiast w sklepie był komunikat, że gra nie będzie działać na moim urządzeniu. Czy ktoś mnie oświeci o co tu chodzi? Czy jest jakieś rozwiązanie tego problemu?

That’s been out of the bag since flip phones.

And? Do they not deserve support and lack of bloatware too?

Quite the contrary. Mobile gaming is great, particularly games like HS are perfect for playing when away from home.

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Dare I say that mobile gaming is the future?

To the original poster, I hate having to download more data after the initial download. Give me the whole game in one transaction!

The only way I would be happy with an incremental download is if it only downloaded certain components when utilized. For example, I never play Battlegrounds. If the initial download didn’t include Battlegrounds it could prompt me to download that component only if I ever selected Battlegrounds.

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bloatware? thats the name the guy who owns twitter now used to describe 2FA right ? no idea why are you using that word

i goggled about this and seems IOS has this issue often with different apps (so often you can find people asking why ios updates for the same app are larger )

Not surprisingly, a lack of knowledge about basic software terminology is once again used to make a some off topic deflection from the company’s issues.

Solved another bingo card.

If it really had been lokked up: one of the first results should have been the commonly understood/used definition:

“software whose usefulness is reduced because of the excessive disk space and memory it requires”

No doubt oxford will no be considered a “hostile” source to the company going forward.

Also note the question about ios users deserving support and lack of bloatware got completely ignored.

I just downloaded 3GB of data the other day. Then after a few days, i had to download the same 3GB again, and now the third time in like a week. Wth is this. Why does this keep happening?