Mo matter how many times i ask i never get an answer

There are only two cards of each exept for legendary.
so how do druids get hundreds and hundted of those gain six armor cards ?
can someone explain? There should only be two but every druid casts one right after the other over and over. Are they hacking?

Do you use a deck tracker? You can rewatch those games and then see how they do this.

There are several ways to copy cards and druids can even cast spells twice. There are also minions which grant armor through deathrattles which can also be copied and triggered more than one time.

Download Firestone and use it on Desktop. After a game just go to “Replays”.

It also has a good Meta decks database without paying any “premium” nonsense on other sites.

They do not.


Considering there are only two cards available then that is all they should have but they cast them over and over. Even you are baffled by this.