Missing reward packs from june

How many Scholomance cards do you currently have, for each rarity?
Have you disenchanted any duplicates already? How much dust did you get?

Why should I bother to number out my cards for you,no offense,why?

It’s a waste of time to argue with him on this. He won’t admit he opened the packs without noticing.

Do you think I am not certain of something?

this is a classic ‘report the troll and move on with your day’

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You call me troll?You are a troll and I will report you.I’m sincere,if any of you guys work for Blizzard tell me and we can continue the conversation if not you are wasting my time.

Not for me. I couldn’t care less.
It might help YOU to double check that you didn’t actually opened your packs already.

I’m not arguing. I’m trying to help.
Whether Madmax choses to accept my help is up to him.

Blizzard staff always post in blue letters. Such as in this post, where they announce the bug that acciedentally rewards Scholomance packs for this season:

If you are still sure you didn’t get your packs, then it is not a generic bug that affects others as well, but an issue with your specific account. Nobody on this forum can help with that. You’ll need to open a ticket with Customer Support.

This forum is for reporting bugs that might affect other players too, so that they can be fixed before it happens again.

How bout in the month of june…my reward chest also disappear…the rewards pack and reward card from june did not go to my inventory also.its missing actually…

Can’t help you with that. Submit a ticket and have a GM help you.

This exact same issue happened to me, I submitted a ticket to a GM and he said he sent it over to Quality Assurance. Still waiting to hear back from them. Packs displayed when I opened Hearthstone for my end of season rewards, but were not in the Open Packs tab afterwards.