Missing Dragon Aspect - Ebyssian

There are so many dragons in Hearthstone, but where is Ebyssian? He is a dragon aspect after all and we need him in a Solo Adventure or at least a card!

P.S. I love Hearthstone and thank you all devs for making a wonderful game that keeps me connected to Warcraft!

well he was only made a dragon aspect pretty recently probably before development of recent expacs, before that he was a side character introduced only briefly

Ugh, you really had to go and remind everyone of the moose tauren, one of the laziest designs after trash gnomes. At least the generic (not) blood elves with a (not) sunwell at least had the amusing catchphrases to get us through their grindy area:

An ILLUSION! What are you hiding?"

And of course there was ANOTHER secret black dragon hiding out. Because that hasn’t been done before.

Highmountain? More like Xeroxmountain.