Missing dozens of cards from my collection

An update to the case: I received a reply as the game’s logs aren’t stored indefinitely (don’t know if this is reference to a players account or like game replays logs), but in the case it’s about ones collection this is at least worrying - after all HS is a card collection game right? Encourages players to invest and have full collections (at least for the sake of collecting if not playing) but you don’t have archives of your clients’ collections? Then you, as a company, you’re just assuming that your system is flawless and nothing wrong could ever happen - well I think these few cases that appeared recently are the proof that this isn’t the case. The answers i received so far from support they all blame the client - maybe you disenchanted and don’t remember; maybe someone else logged in and deleted your collections; maybe you had another account that you don’t remember (I pulled my card back history and i have 65 out of last 72 monthly card backs proving that i regularly played in the past years from this account); maybe this maybe that… but that is all… never a proper answer or at least acknowledging that maybe something went wrong with their system and at least come up with a proof that i have done something wrong and my accusation is false. I even asked them to check if at any point in time I had the amount of dust I should have if I or someone else disenchanted that many cards.
Seems very unprofessional to treat your clients like they are children that barely know to handle a computer at a point in time where customer support is crucial for any company out there.



I’ve realised I have the same problem here. I started playing HS in 2014 then stopped and played again for a short while in 2017.

I’ve started playing HS again a few days ago and I have noticed the exact same thing as you. I have cards that have disappeared from my collection.

I am not 100% sure but everytime I check the card that has disappeared, it has the hall of fame label. After checking on the internet I noticed that cards marked as hall of fame have been dusted by Blizzard and the amount of dust given to players.

I can’t check if they refunded me the full value of the card or not. This kind of practices should be illegal since I cannot check if I was not wronged of what i paid for and the game does not explain anything to me.

And I don’t understand why they felt they had to remove cards from my collection. I don’t care about their hall of fame. I paid the cards with hard earned money and when I bought them I was not informed of any contractual right by blizzard to unilaterally remove cards from my collection.

This is maybe what happened to your cards too. I am really worried that no streamer or players have reacted to these kind of shady commercial practices.

I have submitted a ticket and I will not hesitate to launch a legal claim if blizzard has violated my consumer’s rights.


Let me know how this resolves. I recently noticed that swaths of cards I owned from various past expansions have gone missing, and Hearthstone essentially told me that they don’t keep track of the product I paid them for, so I can’t prove it’s their fault. It feels extremely unjust, and I am trying to figure out how to start a class-action lawsuit. Because even though it’s a game and I’m some nobody to them, it’s very real time and money I have invested into their product and it isn’t right that they won’t even consider giving me back what I paid for (or the money I paid them for my missing product).


I am having the same issue. Dozens of cards (many legendary and epics, even some core cards that you cant even disenchant) are now missing. If anyone starts a petition or lawsuit, I will gladly join. You can add me for discussion: WhiteWolf #12472.

Similar experience Melpherion, I was gone for a long time and recently started playing again. I’ve mainly been playing battlegrounds, duels, and tavern brawl. Today I decided to make a deck to try and beat the dailies. Realize i’m missing some cards I am positive I had. Go through my entire collection and there are literally dozens missing (mostly legendary/epics but some rares and commons too).

Keep us posted if you have any luck.

Made another post if you are interested in following, still trying to get someone to help.


Hi guys. I have the same problem too. I’ve been playing hearthstone a few years now (started in witchwood) and was looking at maybe crafting some wild decks. When I looked at my wild collection I was missing important cards like baku, genn and some of the frozen throne heroes that I 100% used to own. I am almost certain that I didn’t disenchant them as I never really disenchant cards. Bit frustrating to see that they were gone. Any updates on your guys situation?

I dont have Genn and Baku but i remember having them and i played alot of even odd decks

In the past there was different guides to abuse the hs HoF refund mechanism , that said to save dust to craft gold copy of this cards ( or normal ) , just to dust them later .
You craft it for 3200 before patch release , on patch release card is moved to HoF they give you 3200 dust and leave you the card ( a standard cards but unusable is standard) , you disenchant it for 1600 , and you get 4800 dust for free.

So alot of people started playng Baku Genn decks just becouse they crafted it only to make dust

In the last patch i know they gonna nerf some questlines , so before the patch i crafted some questlines just to do the achievements , waited patch and disenchanted for full dust refund.

Early 2022 - this happened to me as well when I opened my account to start playing again. Many legendaries missing (I would say more than 10) and customer support giving the same responses they gave you all almost a year back…

Some of the cards that are missing are those who any experienced player would never think of desenchanting because they have been usefull pretty much across all expansions: Black night, Grommash, molten giants, leeroy, king mukkla, cairne and many other random legendaries missing like hogger, onyxia. I feel this is only the tip of the iceberg, as i dont exactly recall every rare and epic card that I holded before they were eliminated from my account.

I feel this is unacceptable, i have made huge time and monetary investments in this game

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Same problem for me. I’ve noticed it while building a deck in duels. I’ve played duels all the time untill 2 monts ago when i was tired of it. 2 days ago i started doing duels again and today when i went into the crafting menu in duels , i’ve noticed that cards i’ve had before were missing. Basic, rare, epic and legendary cards. Cards from all classes as well as neutral cards. The strange thing is, some cards are still in my regular collection , but they are not in my collection when building a deck in duels. For example : Warrior class : Minion called Shield Maiden , i own 2 of them, but in duels i’ve got 0 ? How is this possible? And so much more like that case. Makes no sense.

It’s becouse of Core set , that is a set of free loaned cards for all but only usable in standard.
If you want to use Shield Maiden in Duels you must have the Goblins vs Gnome set card.

when Sunken city is released the Core set changes ,

57 Cards Rotating Out
Neutral: Arcane Anomaly, Argent Squire, Cogmaster, Young Priestess, Mini-Mage, River Crocolisk, Toxicologist, Brightwing, Earthen Ring Farseer, Flesheating Ghoul, Ice Rager, Injured Blademaster, King Mukla, Spider Tank, Stoneskin Basilisk, Baron Rivendare, Gurubashi Berserker, High Inquisitor Whitemane, Barrens Stablehand, Clockwork Giant

Demon Hunter: Ashtongue Battlelord, Warglaives of Azzinoth

Druid: Enchanted Raven, Landscaping, Menagerie Warden, Nordrassil Druid, Ancient of War

Hunter: Webspinner, Lock and Load, Scavenging Hyena, Headhunter’s Hatchet, Bearshark

Mage: Water Elemental, Mirror Entity, Fallen Hero, Coldarra Drake

Paladin: Holy Light, Pursuit of Justice, Guardian of Kings

Priest: Crimson Clergy, Shadowform, Lightspawn, Temple Enforcer, Natalie Seline

Rogue: Bladed Cultist, Patient Assassin

Shaman: Windfury, Unbound Elemental, Draenei Totemcarver, Earth Elemental

Warlock: Dread Infernal, Possessed Villager, Enslaved Fel Lord, Ritual of Doom

Warrior: Warsong Commander, War Cache, Warsong Outrider

72 Cards Coming In
Neutral: Zola the Gorgon, Sir Finley Mrrglton, Brann Bronzebeard, Elise Starseeker, Reno Jackson, Murloc Warleader, Mistress of Mixtures, Acolyte of Pain, Doomsayer, Beaming Sidekick, Gorillabot A-3, Tar Creeper, Lifedrinker, Wild Pyromancer, Sea Giant, Plated Beetle, Azure Drake, Twilight Drake, Escaped Manasaber, Primordial Drake, Mossy Horror, Faerie Dragon, Vulpera Scoundrel, Cobalt Scalebane, Injured Tol’vir

Demon Hunter: Metamorphosis, Wrathscale Naga, Flamereaper

Druid: Fandral Staghelm, Earthen Scales, Wrath, Living Roots, Mounted Raptor, Ancient of Lore

Hunter: Houndmaster Shaw, Animal Companion, Springpaw, Cloaked Huntress, Marked Shot, Candleshot

Mage: Kalecgos, Pyroblast, Blizzard, Pyromaniac, Explosive Runes

Paladin: Flash of Light, Amber Watcher, Bronze Explorer, Ragnaros Lightlord

Priest: Lyra the Sunshard, Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Lightbomb, Drakonid Operative, Murozond the Infinite

Rogue: Tess Greymane, Buccaneer, Hench-Clan Burglar

Shaman: Krag’wa, the Frog, Far Sight, Flametongue Totem, Maelstrom Portal, Bloodlust

Warlock: Voidwalker, Imp Gang Boss, Abyssal Enforcer, High Priestess Jek’lik, Darkshire Librarian

Warrior: Darius Crowley, Shield Block, Bloodhoof Brave, Bash

Example: im missing Tess Greymane right now , on Sunken City release day they give me a free loaned copy i can only use in standard , but if i want to use it on Duels , i have to go in my collection , put the Witchwood filter , and craft it from there spending 1600 dust.

another example : i have 0 Coldarra Drake right now ( from The Grand Tournament ) but when creating a standard deck i can use 2 copy from Core set , blizzard loaned us 2 copy, but on Sunken City release they will take them back , so i never see them again , if i want to use Coldarra Drakes in duels or wild i have to craft them.


Thank you for the explanation … I do wish that it was a little more transparent to those of us who don’t follow what they do like a hawk. Much appreciated!


no problem , i just want to add i was a bit wrong after reading myself , core set is usable in Standard and Wild

I am missing an absolute hoard of old cards as well. If I got back into hearthstone, it’d been wild format. Is there any resolution available for this?

It helps if you name a few examples.

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Hi, I also came back to the game after not playing for around 5/6 years and found that the first 4 expansions (which were the ones i played and had nearly complete set of all of them) are all missing from my collection. I have gone to collection and been able to filter by naxraamas/gvg/blackrock and have 0 cards from any of those sets which makes absolutely no sense.

When I played cards from expansions like naxraamas could only be obtained from completing wings of the expansion and could not be obtained in packs nor enchanted or disenchanted so I did not disenchant these by accident.

I believe that these cards were lost when they added wild to the game and they failed to migrate to wild and were lost. It’s really annoying and frankly wrong that I should lose 100’s of dollars worth of cards and also 1000’s of dust. I’m not sure what to do any help would be appreciated

Did you switch the filter in your collection to wild? Otherwise it will only show the cards available in standard.

Yes, no cards from any of these expansions in any of my collections

for very old players there can be multiple problems like different region selected (eu/na/asia) , wild still not unlocked , if you are on mobile logged from wrong account ( can happen if you use the autologin on android/ios credentials but you changed e-mail on that account ).
I can be wrong but what really matters for blizzard is the e-mail you was using when you first registered.

Try ask with a ticket if that account is 5years old or when it was created. ( not sure if they can show it )

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Already opened a ticket with them the customer service team pretty much said they couldn’t do anything and the only thing that I could do was open a bug report and pray it gets taken seriously. So pray for me brothers ::

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