Missile Launcher Venomizer is rediculously op

Token druid has a 55% winrate against Mech hunter (Granted this is from before the snip snap release) if anything venomizer+launcher gives those hunters a fighting chance. You are very good at making it sound like it is somehow unbeatable but conveniently ignore every game where the druid just rolls over the hunter because the hunter can not keep clearing the board.


I clearly stated the issue for other druid types, I even stated how it clunky to use a owl/spell breaker in a token druid.

don’t twist my words without using the full picture I present.

Also right now Mech Hunter is favor vs token druid as it stands , i’ve lost to more mech hunter then anything cause the venom/rocket cause i don’t always get soul of the forest and they play smartly and trade whenever i play things.

If you can’ soul the forest token druid will lose in the mech vs token druid match up if thy play Venom on turn 4-6 perfectly.

But it doesn’t remove the fact on how other archetypes get shutdown completely cause of that combo, it fine if It can beat a deck some the time, but when it can shutdown a whole Deck before that deck even has a chance to do anything, odd’s are the combo is 2 strong, and it’s not really the vencom/rocket that amke it the strong part, but the way it get cheated out in cheap mana.

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for a turn 4 venomlauncher the hunter has to draw 4 specific cards in 6 draws 7 on the draw, and either keep Missile launcher on the mulligan (which is insane unless you maybe literally draw galvanizer, vemonamcer and Launcher and even then it is sketchy as hell) or get “lucky” and draw it after the mulligan. This is not only a super unlikely scenario and in almost all of them a terrible idea. Legit the only card that gets mulliganed more in mech hunter is Leeroy and that’s it.

Funnily enough the decks it is probably best against are the ones that give mech hunter the most trouble (Zoo, Token Druid and Murloc Shaman).

And in this case silence does actually work so should it truely be that opressive there is a fix, this is not a cube+pact or Hadronox+naturalize situation where the target you want to silence just is never there, it literally sits there on the board waiting to be turned into a 4/4.

Spellbreaker is not BGH it is not hugely expensive mana wise has not completely awful stats for it’s cost when it is a blank and it is a lot easier to at least get some value out of than bgh which is sometimes just a dead card. If a deck “can not fit silence” it just means the problem is not big enough to run silence much less big enough to nerf it.

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Let use this statement for Drawing a Silence also. And tell me how that sounds if we replaces keywords with Class/Silence?

If you can change the words and it sounds the same, then how is it fair?

I mean they bloodly did this to Sn1p-Sn4p cause the odd of you drawing this combo was so unlikely it can end games early is stupid.

Don’t have double standers here.

There is even a beast silence so it wouldn’t mess up your midrange hunter either :smiley:

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Alright I will do this slowly.
Point 1: You are comparing a combination of 4 specific cards drawn by turn 4 to drawing 1 of the two off silences of your preference that are iny our deck if you can not see the difference then I can not help you and nerfs will not help you either.

Point 2: Snipsnap is very different given it required a 2 card combo + any mech and there was no room to draw an out, it was an instant kill, that is an entirely different beast you are comparing assembling and firing a gun to just pressing a button and launching a heatseeking missile here.

Last point actually had me laugh. How is me saying “Mana cheat can work but only if there is efficient answers available” and me saying “Silence is sufficient to deal with Venomlauncher” a double standard? It is literally the same thing except the latter statement uses examples.

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The biggest problem with this combo is that it almost always gets positive value even if the enemy counters it. The opponent already lost all their minions, now they have to spend a card and mana to remove my 6/6 mech which only cost me 2 cards and 6-8 mana. Go ahead, tech in an EMP, my mech still heavily outvalued you.


1st of all let use your same logic of JUST USE TAUNTS ? Cause that literally what it like saying with “just use silence/divine shield minions” You are just changing the key word for 1 problem to say X deals with X, but that isn’t always the case.

Only Difference from Taunt vs Silence minion draw, making a Taunt heavy Deck is more reliable then a Silence in a deck that wants to do things.

your pointed is null & void, if you can compare drawing the odds of a compare a setup combo vs a OTK to a I kill your board , i’m sorry but you don’t play allot then , cause those ‘odds’ happen way more then you give it credit and really unfair.

Heck you’re nothing but hypocritical in all your post. You don’t look at the big picture, you narrowed it down to 1 single deck , vs other decks that can’t do much of anything,

You’re the same type of person that whine about other class problem cause it doesn’t favor you. With all the “tokens” around why don’t you run Mossy Horror/Baron , Lots of charge use Taunt, As long I don’t have to face this in my rank I don’t see the problem here is all you want to sound like you know the game knowledge but the odd’s of drawing the cards you need can be lower and lower.

People using taunt, OR silences it with the minion that silences taunt only minion or use Black knight, and black knight was a widely use card at the start of HS, and etc, and I ran “silences” and etc and never seem to draw it and I shouldn’t be force to clank my deck with more then a few tech cards.

Lets do the Bloody Math of drawing odd’s the card you want if u have 4 silences in the deck and let be kind and say u don’t get it at the start of the game.

26 cards in deck .15~% chance drawing
25 cards in deck .16% chance drawing
24 cards in deck .16~% chance drawing
23 cards in deck .17~% chance drawing
22 cards in deck .18~% chance drawing

And this is Real math odd’s.

Now I know Math is hard for you, cause you like to use ‘god draws’ as your statement in the past for a turn 3 giant edwin turns, but they’ve been done before, so how does it make a difference from ‘god edwin’ draws when the game already like that been happening for years. And let me remind you I was the one who mention EMP as tech in May, and now everyone talking about it way before anyone remember that being a kill mech card.

I know my game knowledge and literally put things into pratices before I give the odd’s of it not happening, I can’t find the post where I was calling out how Prep was most likely going nerf it mana give from 3 to 2 as literally what Game Dev option was to keep cards like it in game.

Like I will keep saying “magnetic” is nothing but 1 huge Glorify Charge in Mech Hunter , heck the best ‘mech hunter’ deck uses unlease the hounds which is to deal with token druid board

And Hunter isn’t every punished really for it card tutors as it build board and is a threat with the bear as a example, reduces it cost and play, opps it die, well at least my deck full of Mech gives me a new card to play.

If what you want to keep claiming a turn 6-8 combo card was always a turn 8 combo card it’ll be less of a problem, but the fact hunter can get this card out from turn 4-6 on average how is it fair?

I mean let’s look at the best hunter deck for bloody sake, the fact it end games normally on turn 8 means it obviously getting it mana cheat more often to pull off more often then you give it credit form only Deck also use M.Launcher is also Hunter and Paladin who are the kings of magnetic cards - If Paladin had a Mech with poison to combo it with, you sure as hell would be complain over the “2 card” fusing together with mana cheat being strong.

And one the main reason Druid was nerf in it’s ramp cause of ‘mana cheating’ strong card combos early or would eventually been able to play it. So by that logic this should apply to ALL classes, before hunter rarely had a AoE poison whole board as it was build a beast in a huge pool of beast to get, but now? They get it every few games.

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According to HSREPLAY, average play turn of Missile Launcher is 7.7. Venomizer is 6.5. A far cry of the 4-6 you are claiming.

Of course the Venomizer is on average coming out earlier since it’s sometimes needed on its own to deal with early threats.

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When a magnetized minion gets sapped, what returns to the owners hand?

The original minion, now effectively silenced.

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So a Zilliax on a Venomizer, the sap effectively kills Zilliax and sends venomizer to hand.


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by that Logic Acorn / mechroo in token druid isn’t play till turn 3.5 , But one else can swear that isn’t the case. That null and void information basically to use, cause by that logic Galv isn’t play till turn 4.5 also but when ur playing you can normally see 1 Galv play before then. Wants to know why those odd’s are like it is? cause you have x2 inthe deck play and it take those account also on the average.

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Just remove Hunter class from the game.

Let’s just take it one step further since other classes will only rise to the top:

Remove all cards from the game.

Remove all games from the market.

Destroy the world.

Obliterate the universe.

There. That way if there’s nothing in existence, there’s nothing for folks to complain about, yay!!


Just push the history eraser button and get it over with Wardum.

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You said average turn played, not earliest possible turn of play.

I am really getting tired of this. Be specific, be thorough, and read your posts multiple times before you post. And then think how every dumb skull like me is going to interpret it and fact check you.

Or are you the dumb skull that doesn’t understand the difference between average turn played and earliest possible turn of play?

You sure don’t like staying on your own words?

Don’t tempte me, Frodo.
