Mech mech mech mech, every game

Im using emp operative and 3 silence in most my decks now so I can fight the 30% of the hunters I face everygame that get the venom missile combo. Not even joking emp op is doing good work for me. I silence all their good stuff, clear them everyturn, and still die by turn 9. Seriously how do you beat mech hunter?

Omega is the only thing keeping warrior viable, if you’re gonna nerf omega and assembly you also need to nerf zuljihn, conjurers calling, underbelly angler. masters call, hagatha and dire frenzy.

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Silence + scraphound + drboom mad genius + magnetic + some rush minions. Loses hard to beast/spell/zuljihn though.

One owl and control warrior improves its matchup against all mech decks, lucent bark Druid, immortal prelate and buff decks… just one.

They don’t care about the body, they have better things to do with the one extra mana over spell breaker like play dr boom

Perhaps one of your worst posts yet.

A few things;

  1. Silence minion body is absolute garbage tempo.

  2. It can still be magnetized onto, and you’re now lacking a silence.

  3. Teching in a bad tempo card is a death sentence for many decks.

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That makes sense actually

I personally call it a glorify charge.

I agree with your statement and in Wild Mech Hunter is a nightmare all itself with mechs who discount other mechs that aren’t in stander and as you stated.

but some people don’t get this. They think Silence is the best answer for everything, when a deck need a good mix of silence/removal and doing its own thing all together.

how many said something like "just silence and nothing else "?

you haven’t been around the forums much or seen topic’s over mech combos?

Midn you this is over Venomizer + missle combo alone, in a hunter deck whrethey just Mag/hit face all game if you don’t board control you lose, if they hold that 2 piece combo then clear ur board after you invested so much to prevent them hitting face, you lose.

And some people think this mind you.

and compare a normal combo that can be done every game vs a game of chance.

lots of people even say use a taunt or divine shield when not every class has rush/divine shield

lots of people just say add silence, mind you i already did the math of the chances of drawing a silence of an hard Mull

mind you this is 0.xx% not whole %'s so the chances are low in decks with little to no card draw power like Druid.

Everyone saying just use silences not every deck need removal. You can look around the forums over Hunter/Paladin forum talk, I person see nothing wrong with Paladin as they make 1 big dude which is easily counterable slapping a taunt up and stall, while hyper agros like hunter never stack all in 1

I evne done the proper math for how many mech a Mech hunter have in total a game vs what most might thing.

If silence was literally the best thing , why isn’t the king/queen of silences not just ruining hunter/paladin’s day. Priest has the most best type silence/sustain in the game but they even fail at vsin’ hunters Magn BS, and do pretty okay vs paladin , and Priest has plenty of card draw and Aoe silences to deal with all types of boards.


Mech hunter is not ‘hyper aggro’

A deck that includes all the way up to 5, 6, and 7 drops is not hyper aggro.

Noone claims it is the best thing, it is just a valid techchoice if you run into a lot of magnetize.

As for your question there are 2 reasons.

1 priest is in a pretty awful spot at the moment in general they have very few good tools overall no matter what it is. Yes they have plenty of card draw and aoe silence but other than that they have one aoe that is a bit sketchy at times with hysteria and nothing else.

2 The one priest deck that runs silence uses it to cycle it could literally be any other 0 mana spell and they will not hold it to silence anythign useful but fire it off as soon as it draws a card.

also priest’s sustain is a Fing joke comapred to what warrior has so it is most definitely not the best in the game they have exactly one good healing spell with Hymn and a Heropower, that’s it.

if you want to complain about other classes not using silence, let me mention some “Under used” Priest cards.

Then and say a mid range is possible.

Shadow Madness
Holy Fire
Holy Nova (Very good vs token I might add, odd no-one uses it)
Auchenai Soulpriest
EVIL Conscripter (basically a Delay Evil cable rat but with 1/1 extra stat)
Sand Drudge
Cabal Shadow Priest
Dead Ringer
Shadowy Figure

If you don’t expect priest to use those cards, you shouldn’t expect a token Deck to put silence in, and the same can be said about Other class archetype. You have no reason to do double stander saying 1 class can’t use their own cards to make a new deck if your going force old decks that can’t slot anything really out for that rare draw.

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All those cards are either bad (Yes Holy nova is actually just bad as is Holy fire) or cards that need the support of other cards to work Auchanai Soulpriest, squashling, Evil conscriptor, Sand drudge especially, Dead Ringer and Shadowyfigure all need help to be good, in the case of Auchenai it is expecially difficult because the help it needs is also bad.

Cards that are bad but in combination with other bad cards turn good are a trap because if you draw one piece and not the other they are just terrible.

Deathrattle has too little support and is too slow because preist’s only way to contest the early baord is cheap minion+extra arms and at that point you might as well lean into it and just kill the opponent instead of making some wonky deathrattle theme work.

Cabal Shadowpriest is actually quite a good card that sees play on and off because it is one of those techcards that is either amazing or crap. Pretty similar to Darius Crowley though less versitile.

All I ever gather from you is “I refuse to sacrifice two slots in my deck for tech cards” if that is not what you are saying I am sorry I misunderstand you but if you are saying that, that stance is ridiculous to the highest degree.

Ha ha yes. Its very boring right now. I did stop play for now,probably tilll next expansion.
Not sure what blizz is doing. 50% of time a fun meta and 50% of time a boring lame meta suposedly aimed a target group who would enjoy said meta. 12 year olds maybe or i dont know.

Game was fun,now its not.

See your making up reason to to run those cards cause you want to claim they’re aren’t good, how can you say there not enough support? I see plenty of support in the ALL CLASS CARDS , that anyone can use which make up most of the other decks.

you wish to make it soundjanky cause you aren’t ever going make the deck and jsut follow the most know decks, and that is your problem. How are you sure my token druid can afford the 2 slots? You don’t even know what type of token I am let alone even if it’s the metas token , cause it’s not.

you make up reason not do use things, so why should others listen to you?

a 2 damage AoE that also heals ur side for 2, and your face, pretty good to counter the turn 4 bomb dude who a 3/2

Here since you don’t know what kinda of support is in the game that priest can use, i’ll be nice enough to point it out.

so you can go the token way of death rattle w/ draw

Bloodmage Thalnos
Loot Hoarder
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
Kaboom Bot
Harvest Golem
Replicating Menace
Weaponized Pinata (not a bad card the fact it give random legendary can be pretty good itself even just as a stat
Rumbletusk Shaker
Cairne Bloodhoof OH my lord that’s be a pretty good clone
Mechanical Whelp
Tunnel Blaster

there a good amount of Death rattle that u don’t mind becoming a copy of and depending on the way you want the deck u can also make a more Mech Heavy deck, or a Seance clone of Test Subject to farm buff cards

There allot of style u can take a "deathrattle cards from being “janky” to good , heck becoming a 2/2 of Convincing Infiltrator it just a nightmare for Paladin waitign to happen with silences. I see no reason you can say

When That the point of Decks, All decks have Support cards to their core cards, Drawing your deck pretty darn fast? Add an Archivist Elysiana

IF you want to make up reason for not using those cards then why should anyone take you serious over removing cards from their own deck that does pretty good already.

Don’t try say cards are bad unless it’s been try and proven bad, all your doing is saying they sound bad, but you haven’t tested it. So how would you know.

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Alright I give up, this is like talking to a wall, I do not need to test if Holy nova sucks or not because I ahve tested it for Frigging 3 years now, same for Auchenai. 2 damage on turn five is too little at that point vs literally everything. Aoe is a catchup/value play, if half of your aoe is healing your board that has traded into your opponents board why the hell do you need aoe? The card just doesn’t work with the numbers it currently has.

And I do not give a crap what kind of deck you play if you lose to something to the point where you complain about it that is easily and effectively teched against and at the same time proclaim “I dont play meta I play my own decks” then you are just bad at deckbuilding and unwilling to adapt to the meta which is the NR1 skill you need to actually be good at deckbuilding.

Believe me I have run priest back and forth, yes cairne and whelp are great targets to copy but everything else is pointless, if I go turn 1 mecharoo turn 2 copy I have a board of derps in a deck that looks to outvalue lategame, which right now for priest is incredibly hard.

Priest is my second most played class, the fact that you accuse me of having no clue about it without having no idea about my experience with priest or how much I have tested or not is the most delicious bit of irony tbh.

Right, holy Noba was the go to token removal for ages, I’ve been playing for almost 5 years.

Cause cards like Northshire Cleric encourges trades, and who said it has to be palyon turn 5? who say u don’t play this on ur own turn 4? Who says they you don’t control board and wait till they flood then clear. Your clearly not that bright if you think it’s just a AoE clear.

Sound like you need take your own words into considering.

Sounds like you right now, funny how the kettle is black.

A “experience” player can make their own deck and not be a sheep and make the meta,

the fact you claim you tested it proves you haven’t, cause you call cards like Nova a AoE clear and not udnerstand the part it heals with card draw power making a old midrange Priest being in the meta again, I can safely assume you’re full of lies, cause Mid Range Priest was a thing in the days of old vs token decks as it is now.

Let alone the Cleric, to Wild Pyro control was what help inspire Paladin to do it also.

But what do I know? only things from the past that work and still do when I have to do a quest. Yep totally going listen to a person who doesn’t list all the right things about cards versatility.

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Yup I give up, its like talking to a brick, I call Nova a an AOE BECAUSE IT FING IS, your draw engine is circle and Hymn atm there is literally 0 point to running nova if you use it for either side, damage is nto enough, and healing is done WAY better by two other cards and in the cases where both are relevant happen only in magical christmasland.

Well, isnt’ the point just that silence is just a little better tech against mech, than backstab a tech is against Leeroy?