Missile Launcher Venomizer is rediculously op

This combo needs to be ended. Its way too good to have a minion that clears the board everyturn while smorcing face for 6. You either have to have and drawn and run premium removal or spellbreaker or the game is over. Getting really tired of losing to a combo costed the same as equality consecrate that occurs every turn.


I do agree it’s stupid by all means.

and sometime they can cheap it out on turn 4 when you barely drawn your deck , rare cases, but it can happen. and once that happen game is over if it cheated early in the game and you have no rush/charge/sap/silence/other means.

not every class has good removal and hopefully the next expansion they make up or hunter will remain on top of the meta again.

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So it’s game over if you don’t have cards in your hand?


it’s game over if you don’t draw anything to remove it by 2 turns.

Wow, talk about crying about something stupid.

…you do realize it means the hunter can’t have more than one minion on their board, right?

It’s balanced, get good.


You don’t need removal, just silence. Thankfully, there are several neutral silences available.


Also, divine shield minions will survive the initial volley if you think it is on the way.

Deathrattle minions such as Cairne can mitigate some of the damage too.


They can magnetize onto it with lots of their minions, tho.

It isn’t really that ridiculous, in that there are counters but it is a bit insane for an aggro deck like that to be able to have a board clear, especially when some explicitly late game classes cough Druid cough don’t.


Silence is underutilized right now. That’s why they are comfortable piling minions onto one token. Silence that token and you’re way ahead. You most likely do not have enough silence in your decks.


Sure sure, my point was just that they can, technically keep playing minions while you can’t.

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Hunter has never had a board wipe, now they get one that requires two cards and people complain. Just let them have this one.


Faceless manipulator. A very underrated card in todays meta I think.


8 Mana board clear with two cards you don’t keep in mulligan, and the most minimal of tutoring available: OP
Control warrior: Laughs in brawl
Rogue: Laughs in winning before turn 8


Silence is a balanced part of a midrange or control diet. Hell even Murloc decks are running silence nowadays.

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Tech in a silence. It’d do you wonders.

EMP Operative. Problem solved.


You could actually make the case to run emp operative in addition to spell breaker so you always have an answer to this combo and sn1p sn4p and the zillions of mechs running around. Im actually gonna do it. Nice tip! Forgot this card existed.


Silence, EMP operative, a taunt with divine shield to buy time, stalling with freeze effects - the list goes on.

Having a lone, big minion is probably the most counterable thing in the game.

Still removal + silences sometimes can’t be 100% drawn all the time and it causees the game to end, and sometimes there may be the god tier draw to have a turn 4 venom and not enough mana to force draw a Silence/removal.

You can’t expect every deck to use silences, or removal, it’s why some Archetype can’t fit cards without being clunky.

if silences was as strong as most like to believe , Priest would be king cause how well they could make a Agro deck with Silences with good refill, but priest lacks strong early game. , every class has a weak point, and that how you have counter decks, yes but you also need look how most decks are forced into 1 style of deck and given to much of it will hurt the deck majorly, like Token Druid. You could remove the rat for the owl/spell breaker, or even keeper , but it can feel out of place for what the deck wants to do, and that the only decent deck for druid to run.

While other classes have better mutli factor tools oh dealing with it without hurting their deck that much. Complaining about a card combo isn’t bad, complaining about something that can just win games really mess with other decks being made, cause they’re so focus on silence/ removal they’ll be weak as hell when their deck is force to be more of 1 style, like where the Agro warriors of old? None being made cause it’s control was favor more, while other classes suffer this same problem.

And I shouldn’t be forced to play other classes if I don’t want to, a good balance meta/decks would mean each deck has more then 1 means, but some classes have little to no support for all these ‘other’ archetypes. Druid is my main, and I try ramp druids, Heal Druid, Mid-range and so many other , but all that is more clunky right now more then anything, might be fix later, but still doesn’t change the fact of right now of stuff being clunk.

Res. Priest by your means should be owning the meta if silence is as good as you wish to make it out, as priest as the most silences in the game and can punish wide buff boards and have minions that have good health and taunt, but they aren’t the best.


isn’t always the answer.

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Token druid has a 55% winrate against Mech hunter (Granted this is from before the snip snap release) if anything venomizer+launcher gives those hunters a fighting chance. You are very good at making it sound like it is somehow unbeatable but conveniently ignore every game where the druid just rolls over the hunter because the hunter can not keep clearing the board.