Missed out on the N'Zoth Hero Card

I missed out on the N’Zoth Hero Card that came with the Dark Moon Faire Pre-order, I am simply wondering if it will ever be able to be purchased or maybe earned?
I really wanted to purchase the pre order before, but was unable to because of various reasons wich are no longer an issue. So if any Hearthstone devs see this, I would very much appreciate it if I could some how aquire this awesome Hero Card for my Warlock Class.

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I’ve been there bro, still waiting for some of the portraits to make a return…it’s not looking good though, I don’t remember older hero portraits being in the store too often.

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pre-order portraits have never returned I don’t think, some people might say that’s for the better since they spent so much money for it, just for it to come to the shop for a cheaper price

man, I would not mind paying that bundle’s full price just for the portrait :slight_smile: the audio work on it is spectacular.

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I reckon they will in the future. They’ve been cycling through old heroes and card backs really quickly lately. I want to get Madame Lazul for Priest.

I’ve seen a few pre orders come back (Mecha Jaraxxus, the shaman one etc) so fingers crossed. I didn’t get it either as the pre order bundles pricing is just stupid so hopeful it comes back one day

Mechajarraxus > nzoth.

Finally you can grab it for 10 big ones USD. Don’t know if you still play but it’s out rn.

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Sweet thread necro.
