Miniset was a mistake

I don’t hate the concept, but I bought the previous expansion, and I feel cheated. Almost all the card in the expansion is power creeped by the miniset, or most of the card at least and on top, we didn’t even got a miniset to somewhat address how draenai failed, nobody even builds “old” starships. The StarCraft card dont play very good with the rest of the game. Its like a powercreep bubble.

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i dont understand

how can making the most well recieved mini set in years …be a mistake ?

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This miniset, while not without a few issues, is the best thing they’ve made in years. YEARS.


They should have made its own thing, I feel bad buying the previous expansion now, as most card didn’t get any support from miniset. And the miniset just a straight up powercreep over the expansion cards.
Playing starship rouge or Libram Paladin I feel like a kid throwing pebbles at a gorilla.

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This miniset was a huge success for sure (although they have a terrible balance philosophy when they release balance patches imo).

That said, they need to be really careful with how they handle the transition out of it. When the rotation comes and the new expansion releases, if the new expansion isn’t good enough the playerbase will grow increasingly tired of starcraft decks. It would be wise to nerf some of this stuff when the next expansion releases or the best miniset ever may sour very fast. The powerlevel of this miniset is miles above everything else.


Based on what? Your “feelings”?

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Lots of other people’s feelings, too.


nope based on the many threads ive seen from people who loved the miniset getting hundreds of votes i dont remember this happening with other mini sets in years

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The loud voices are rarely the most intelligent or the majority, half of the loud voices whine they don’t play DK, and the other half brags that they do play DK.

OP decks are a dumb design decision, people end up playing against their mirror (boring) even if they pick an OP deck.

Those are the ones complaining literally about everything all the time.

I’m not the only one who predicts these combo packs of starcraft will get old very soon, because if they stop being overtuned they are extremely clunky because they rely on the other cards of the package in a very progressive way.

Unless they keep them overtuned for like 2 expansions which is not impossible but dumb.

PS Theoretically the DK will be probably dead at least, because of Death Growl rotating.

Why do you even bother to post here?

Upon the death of scrotie, you seem to have inherited his worst takes crown.

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Wait is this figurative speech or factual?

Until I’m told otherwise, I’m assuming that’s what happened.

He’s been having cancer, heart attack, and what not for the last couple years… then one day he disappears without so much as a (blank) off for a goodbye…

I’ve wondered the same. Hard to know unless he comes back or someone has him friended.

Hope he’s ok. I know you two didn’t get along well but I like the man. Also this place is more boring without our scroties and Mallenrohs I think that’s hard to deny lol


Maybe, but I had him on ignore, so idk.

Nah, we’re much better without that one. No reason for every single thread to devolve into how blizzard has abused mages or whatever nonsense he rambles.

I am almost certain Scr0tie is still with us, but just isn’t playing. Scr0tie had other positive things happen in his life that I believe have taken him away from Hearthstone. Plus, he stopped playing for awhile even when he posted here.

I want to say I’m like 99% sure that’s the case. We had a pretty good talk before he officially left and he reinstalled just to talk to me and update me on his life.


First answer, it’s unhealthy. OP is right in that it’s made its parent set obsolete. It also raises fundamental questions about “What is a miniset?”

Mini-sets in the past have played with and built upon the parent set. With the exception of Terrans and their starships, no ‘feature’ from Great Dark Beyond is present in the miniset (Draenei Tribe, Reintroduction of Spellburst, etc). Every miniset in the past has at least flirted with its parents set mechanics (Gigantize instead of Miniaturize for example) or flat out utilized the same mechanics (Excavate, Forge, Finale). This mini-set, while powerful and sure to be popular (People love Starcraft), it’s wholly self contained. You do not NEED a single Great Dark Beyond core set card to operate many of the current meta decks, though they may help. That’s whats so bad about this miniset especially when Great Dark Beyond was so low powered (which I thought was a good thing, maybe an attempt to undo some of the power creep in the coming year when Titans cycles out).

This mini-set was basically a new set in itself insofar as content, and while it’s a fantastic miniset value but as far as what a mini-set usually does, it’s not great. For me personally, I love Draenei and to see them snubbed in their own mini-set was appalling. It’d be like having Throne of the Tides (Voyage to the Sunken City miniset) without naga.

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Awesome news! Happy for him.


Where? Reddit? They basically downvote anyone who doesn’t kiss Blizzard’s Ring.