Miniset Announcement: Throne of the Tides

Aha nice preshot.

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Common Ā· Minion Ā· Voyage to the Sunken City Ā· After this minion takes exactly one damage, destroy it. (Pop!)
With a Coin in hand this is a turn 2. 9-9 for priest.
I can already see the cries on high roll.

Focused will + bless

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Wow, cool 10 mana cards that do nothing to stop aggro decks from ripping your face on by turn 6.

This whole mini-expansion is going to be another dud isnā€™t it.

neptulon is weak for a 10 mana card

good thing is a mini set card id hate to pull it from a pack

What aggro decks? Lol

Just really gonna pretend Murloc Warlock didnā€™t get buffed into absurdity just to push your agendas huh

Murlock Warlock ?

What shady bronze-silver meta are you coping with ?


Guess they are dribbling out the cards

Neptulon seems a bit worse than Onyxiaā€¦ it certainly looks powerful but so does Onyxia and she doesnā€™t see play outside of Kazakusan decks. Worse if summoned from hand, better as a recruit or ressurect. And certainly a buff to Azshara.
Weird that if you kill one of the hands Neptulon can only deal 8 dmg instead of 14.
Ozumat seems more viable in control hunter decks due to its stats but Iā€™m not 100% convinced as well. The deathrattle doesnā€™t seem great but maybe there are some applications with the parrot and Devouring Swarm. Also, Mountain Bear is cheaper and stickier.

My agenda being that there is one viable aggro deck and nobody is playing it?l

Iā€™m not the one complaining about aggro in the least aggro friendly meta since forever. Yet Iā€™m the one with an agenda? Thatā€™s cute.

Iā€™m voting hunter and demon hunter get the legendary cards as predicted in another thread lol

thatā€™s a very common misconception.

it started with the interaction of Mad scientist, but it is 100% wrong:
the minion counts always as entering first, and then the battlecry resolves.

Even in the last GM turney, the casters went in depth why and how it works and how the common misconception (which apparently lasts to this day) came to be.

Thatā€™s why you see cards like Bubblebot saying ā€œgive your OTHER mechs DSā€ because if it didnā€™t specify ā€œotherā€ it would also shield itself.

for ozumat, thinking it a bit more now that iā€™m home, maybe he will find a home in shaman as well. 7 bodies in 1 card is really spicy for stuff like bioluminessence and bloodlust.

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It feels a little too weak.


You have to be winning to use , you have to happen to draw it and you need 5 mana your disposal and you canā€™t even choice what card in his hand to lock (itā€™s a discover).

That card would be good if it made the choice card unplayble for around 3 turns and if the choice pool was the entire opponents hand.

With 1 turn you canā€™t really lock an important answer from being played from the opponents hand due to itā€™s medium cost.

Again HS devs are having to much fear of allowing good disruption to exist.

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It started in classic. Leeroy getting sniped by his whelps triggering the opponents Knife Juggler, first clip here (yes, the video is from 2016, but the interaction was always that way):

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No itā€™s not.
Edit: I was wrong, video deleted

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At least thatā€™s a 3 card wombo combo high roll and not a 1 card high roll. A 1 card high roll is a problem a 3 card wombo combo high roll is not.

Do that test with Devouring Swarm and the battlecry minion will attack first

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Yes it is, its summoning just hasnt completed until AFTER the battlecry completes. Dun Baldar is not a when/whenever effect, but an after effect. Which is why the tokens are getting buffed first. It is still on board before them, as seen in the video I posted above which explains it in great depth.

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I did and this is correct. Thank you

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Actually it was messy until geringontzan.

After that it was decided that the minion enters the board and after that itā€™s battlecry activates.

Fighter promoter being the reason for that design decision.

You can check that by playing a handbuffed fighter promoter that has more than 6 health.

It will activate itā€™s own battlecry condition:

Battlecry :If you control a minion with 6 health or more draw 2 cards.