Miniset Announcement: Throne of the Tides

"Tumultuous tides turn as powerful forces fight for supremacy under the sea. Now you can harness their power in the all-new Throne of the Tides Mini-Set!

The Throne of the Tides Mini-Set, launching worldwide on June 1, consists of 35 different cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 14 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those new cards can be found in Voyage to the Sunken City packs, or you can get the entire 66-card* Mini-Set for $14.99 or 2000 Gold! The Mini-Set will also be available in an all-Golden version for $69.99!"

This was originally posted in Community Discussion, but I decided to share it here because many users here ignore that subforum.


im already liking snapdragon

and coilfang will be fun to play too was worried when i read the look at 3 cards on your opponent hand until i got to " cant be played next turn"
now i have a chance to make sure a card stays in my opponent hand until i can play mutanus!

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People wanted more ways to interact with the opponents hand, here it is.


I don’t think it’ll see play.

It seems too generic for the amount of oversynergy we see in modern decks. And as simply a tech option, it looks very specific.

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Coilfang Constrictor seems interesting but don’t think it’s good enough. Like every other tech card people will find that just Punching Face and making your opponent a crater is the better tech.


I dunno… it seems like it could be pretty useful in fending off lethal and protecting your own board. Use on turn 6 against paladin to keep Cariel off the board for another turn. Or against an OTK deck ready to go off next turn

but it has the beast tag

isnt specific

and its a 4 mana 5/4

most tech cards have specific target or are understated


Only the 3-mana keleseth might see play, the other 2 are too weak and will only be playable if discovered by amalgams.

Another day 1 add.

Sometimes stalling a card from being played 1 turn can mean the difference between an OTK loss and victory


Yeah sure, a 5/4 for 4 mana disrupting ennemy hand won’t see play lol.

Guys, it’s so good tempo, I don’t understand how that card wouldn’t see play. In rogue for example. You can slam it and prevent defense, you can step it. In control, you can Brann it.


5/4 for 4 is vanilla stats. It’s not “great tempo”.

The effect is ok, but I don’t think that it’s strong enough as a tech.

Yes, you may be delaying a core card by 1 turn, but you are also delaying your cards by 1 turn.

Time will tell ofc, but I’m not optimistic about it.

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Anyone who thinks this won’t be an auto include in every aggro deck is absolutely delusional.

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This reminds me of Star Student Stelina, which didn’t see much play at the time.

Legendary ¡ Minion ¡ Scholomance Academy ¡ Outcast: Look at 3 cards in your opponent


I don’t think about it as a tech. I think about it as a core card for aggro and tempo decks.
Take board, and on 4, just deny a board clear with that. You can even think about it played for 1 or 2 mana in aggro hunter.

Of course I may be mistaken, but imo, it’s very strong.

It’s also good material as a tech card against boar priest for example. But I don’t think it would see play as a tech card.

Edit : both elem and beast artworks are awesome.

The first legendary is also revealed in their Twitter.

That looks very good for board control but 10 mana makes me sceptical.

(and by sceptical I really mean… Meh)

Star Student Stelina was bad because it blocked other outcast cards while being difficult to get in the outcast slot when you needed it to be played. This can be played at any time for the affect, and is a battlecry so it can be duplicated. Not to mention any class can use this


The lew legendary has a cool design, but like shroud, I think it’s a bit underwhelming compared to Onyxia for example.
Unless you have a way to summon it from your deck, and there it becomes premium.

Aaaaaand, of course, it’s nuts Azshara material, I can already hear the salty people coming here right after a 1 mana Neptulon highroll.

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They’ve revealed both of the Neutral Legendaries now.

Both Neptulon and Ozumat are Colossals:

Legendary ¡ Minion ¡ Voyage to the Sunken City ¡ Colossal +2, Rush, Windfury Whenever Neptulon attacks, if you control any Hands, they attack instead.

The Hands are both 4/2s with “Immune while attacking.”

Legendary ¡ Minion ¡ Voyage to the Sunken City ¡ Colossal +6 Deathrattle: For each of Ozumat

Ozumat’s Tentacles are just vanilla 1/3s.


Ozumat, I really don’t know what to tell about it, instinctively I would say it won’t be played, but really not sure.

Yeah onyxia is a good comparison:

The colossal can deal 2 instances of 8 damage.
Onyxia deals 1 instance of 8 damage and 6 instances of 2 damage.

So onyxia deals much more damage and much more flexible spread. The downside is losing the whelps ofc.

But, even with losing the whelps, assuming you try to match what the colossal does, it’s still more flexible and you are only +3/+1 behind in leftover stats (2* 2/1 +8/8 vs 2*4/2 +7/7)

Furthermore, it’s harder for the opponent to react to Onyxia because you have to first deal with leftover whelps.

.overall I think a weaker onyxia.

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