Miniset Announced, Some New Cards Revealed

The new miniset is Audiopocalypse, and there are still 38 new cards in it. BuT, there are new dual class cards with new pairings, which means, if my math is right, every class should be getting more cards than a normal miniset.

One mix they showed was Warrior/DH

Rare · Spell · Festival of Legends · Give a minion Rush. Finale: And +1/+1.

Common · Minion · Festival of Legends · Taunt, Lifesteal Costs (2) less for each weapon you

They also showed 1 more Warrior weapon

Rare · Weapon · Festival of Legends · Gains an extra effect in your hand that changes each turn.

The effects it can get are

+2 Attack
Gain 5 armor
Also damages Adjacent Minions
Discover a Taunt minion

Also there will be more Remixed cards that change effects similar to the weapon


Jumping in with comments on the new cards! Don’t care if this is right thread!

Through Fel and Flames
Seems to work with both the rush happy DH and also as a spell to enable their naga
Dark horse bet: eventually (not like immediately with miniset) DR DH will make a return. Maybe a horseman deck even so they can rush the taunt or lifesteal horseman to finish

Abyssal Bassist
As good as any demon tribe slot for menagerie
Even outside of menagerie, it gets the best of both worlds gaining stats from BRnR while being discounted to be played cheaply. And if warrior somehow wants to play fires of azinwhatever outside of Tony decks, this can be discounted further
Unicorn deck: some combo of weapon and taunt warrior, equipping many weapons to get this cost down, copy it, or discover it with the 1 mana spell that discovers taunts

Remixed Tuning Fork
Seems to be asking for other cards to combo it with (including it just being something to discount bassists above), because alone it’s kinda meh
That said, it’s cheap enough it can help warrior to trigger riff finales
Unicorn play: run that spell that gives warrior 10 attack but can’t hit face when the weapon can cleave


Wel these seem… not great. I like the demon for warrior. Warrior doesn’t have demons to support the menagerie cards, the mana cost with discount goes well with BRnR and it has Taunt + Lifesteal so it is doing a lot and fits into basically anything. Exactly what I like to see from miniset cards. BUT it is discounted by weapons played… sigh that’s not so great. That weapon seems unimpressive to say the least. It’s fine, at least it’s cheap; but how many weapons can your realistically play in a match with warrior? 2? Why not just discount for each different tribe played or something. Even ”Control” warrior would have an ez time discounting that and it doesn’t seem that OP.

The 0 mana spell seems like a DH spell. Warrior could use this but it would be kind of a bad topdeck and warrior topdecks a lot. Apart from being a questionable deck slot in decks with no easy cuts. Not convinced, but maybe it sees play.

Once again, zero Control cards for Warrior! I guess Warrior players can forget about being a control class for the foreseeable future. That’s only for DKs and Priests, sorry. You are now a tempo board-based deck. Take it or leave it :slight_smile:

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Really? I definitly think the discover a taunt minion is not a great option, but a potential 2 mana 4/2 weapon seems incredibly powerful.

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Agreed, I think it’s fine because it’s cheap, but it has to sit in your hand for at least 1 turn after drawn (If I am interpreting correctly) and you need to basically pray for it to become whatever you want it to be. Seems clunky at best, and just a fine card at best. That’s why I am not very impressed. But yeah, I wouldn’t say it’s a bad card. It definitely is costed right.

Edit: on second read it seems to imply it gains the effect immediately. That’s better for sure.

It receives an effect as soon as you draw it, so no waiting required

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Yeah nvm I didn’t double check the text lol

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Warrior getting shafted as usual.


I disagree. I was suggesting in another thread that one of the things control warrior needed was a 2 mana weapon (with upside) so it would have a way to interact with the board on turns 2 and 3 better. Tuning fork is likely to be a good use for that.

These cards are way better for DH than they are Warrior, I think.
As usual, Team 5 fails miserably.

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The cards themselves are kinda good.

The issue is mostly anything other than the 2 mana weapon being useful right here and right now.

But atleast blizzard buffed so many warrior cards that enrage is working apparently.

I think the wording means you get +2 attack for this turn only. The base weapon still only does 2. 2 mana 4/2 weapon is indeed crazy as most 4/2 weapons are 4 mana.

So again after thinking a bit more, there are potential with the weapon when played with other cards.

The cleave is probably going to be the most powerful.

The cleave with the 1 mana riff would basically clear most boards people can place by turn 3. Even against pallies you can pop up to 3 shields. If the pally did their finale turn 3 (summon two 1 drops give them taunt) well those taunts either lose their shield or just die, with whatever 3rd minion beside them getting hit too.

And yes, cleaving an important minion sitting next to a taunt will also be good

If you want to go all in on weapons, weapons expert and lady ashvane can give it extra mileage, but that’s heading into what I call unicorn deck territory.

Then the other effects…

Even just one swing for 4 attack can have its uses (2 mana 4 attack this turn is classic heroic strike, this is power creep as you have a 2/1 weapon left over). Say… turn 5, you play hookfist-3000 and swing for 4 to remove whatever might threatent hookfist. You just gained armor and drew and have both minion and weapon in play.

And as alluded to heroic strike, that spell could be used as burst/burn (also see DH with spells that gives their hero +2 attack this turn), so you can play the weapon just for the +2 and switch to a different (bigger) weapon to swing

The armor will work with razorfen rockstar and shield slam.

The only limiting factor I think is how well warriors can draw into these combos, and whether they can afford to burn 2 or more cards for these plays but not run out of steam. That’ll depend on the deck build and deck pilot.


I heard people were talking about Warrior cards in here?

The biggest thing you need to consider about Warrior decks right now is: what gets cut? Menagerie is still up in the air, but Enrage Warrior is a super tight list with a clear focus, and the 30-card version of BRnR can barely change anything around because its win condition is so unforgiving. With that in mind…

  1. Through Fel and Flames:

Huh? Why doesn’t this give Rush to every minion you play on the same turn? I thought something like that was a 0-mana effect? Huh, what’s going on? Hmm?

This card is not worth a deck slot for Warrior. Most of your key minions have Rush or Charge anyway. And you don’t have nearly as much draw as a DH, so really this will just send you to topdeck mode faster. You can get it off School Teacher, but then you’re paying 1 mana for a 0 mana effect (Nagaling cost).

I don’t think this gets put in any Warrior deck.

  1. Abyssal Bassist

Definitely not an Enrage card so that goes out the window. Really slow for Menagerie, too. It’s a BRnR Warrior card.

Cool card, but it’s just asking to get hard removal. Fleshshaper is barely playable and has a much better “body.” Lavagorger gives armor immediately, and Zilliax and Silverfury Stalwart have Rush. But again, what do you cut for this? Maybe Silverfury now that Spell DH is dead?

You need to also consider its stats from Chorus Riff, BRnR, Lorthemar, and Last Stand. But much like Fleshshaper, it’ll be the worst minion to pull from your deck with Last Stand in a majority of situations.

And the current 30-card list doesn’t play weapons, so it’s hard-stuck at 7 mana until you drop Remornia, which probably counts for it. I’ll probably cut Fleshshaper in my Renathal homebrew list because at least this can just get plonked down without a condition. But I’d rather have Fleshshaper if I could guarantee that I’d have enough armor.

  1. Remixed Tuning Fork

The bad news is that this probably means they will never buff Drumkit. Giant oof.

Other than that it seems fine, but meta-dependent. And again, what will you cut? It’s not an Enrage card, for sure. The inconsistency of the effect will be its downfall. Basically you have to hard-mulligan for this and pray that it has a good effect on turn 2 since that’s usually what you’ll have to settle for. Its synergies are dependent on what effect you have - the cleave is good with Verse Riff, the extra attack is good with Forged in Flame, the armor is good with Razorfen Rockstar and Shield Slam. But you can’t count on any of that.

It might replace Bash in my homebrew list. More weapons for Abyssal Bassist.

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My opinions on the cards:

Through Fel and Flames:
Everything in DH already has rush, only case I can think of for them is on Svalna with Darkraven, but that seems memeish.
Warrior miiight be able to put this in Enrage Warrior, but I highly doubt it

Abyssal Bassist:
I havent seen DH play with many weapons recently. They have a lot but other packages (notably relic) are so much better

For Warrior, Blackrock and Roll might not mind a giant body with lifesteal thatcan be made cheaper when drawn. And if you are running tuning fork and the 2/5 pirate, thats probably enough weapons to think about it

Hooked Scimitar has the same wording but with combo instead, and kept the attack. So does Self Sharpening Sword

In general, if a card doesn’t say “This turn” then it’s not limited to the turn it’s played.

I really don’t think the randomness of the Fork effect is as big a deal as people are making it out to be. Demon Hunter has cheap weapons with effects that they don’t care about because they just want a weapon, I think you look at this more as an early weapon with some upside rather than aim for a specific effect.

I would rather they had thrown more support behind menagerie. Enrage is just so boring to play and absurdly high roll.

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Watch when Druid gets something stupidly overpowered stuff to add in wild collection.

3/5 Star Power, in Warrior. I don’t think current Enrage Warrior has the card draw to run it. Could be a 4-6 in Rivendare or other Warrior decks, but they probably all suck with Renathal Discover Knight/Priest existing.

8/5 Star Power, in Demon Hunter. Super Broken. There is enough draw/generation to run it. +1/+1 on Hawkstrider/Wretched/S’theno for 0 mana turns 3-5ish is lolol-broken against most board based Aggro. :japanese_ogre: It’s ok though, it doesn’t do a lot vs Renthal Discover Knight, so it must be balanced. Let’s just keep hard-bullying Aggro with broken Rush Cards and dying to broken Blood Boil/Corpse Explosion/VampiricBlood in Renathal Discover Knight. I had enough practice with braindead losses by dying to Shadow Word:Ruin with Boon Priest vs Renathal Control Priest. :roll_eyes:

It could be a Rush source for Rivendare Decks.

Outcast DH vs Renathal Discover Knight: E.T.C + Rivendare + Through Fel and Flames. :face_with_monocle:
No, still die to Patchwerks eating my

I think you will have to build your deck too lopsided to make this worth.

2/5 Star Power.

Looks super weak. Weapons are also much weaker value in general now that we are all bored based from Renathal devaluing Burn and promoting Discover Piles. Maybe decent in the past.

0/5 Star Power. Unplayable. Maybe playable if Renathal dies and Control Warrior exists, it’s only a defensive card, not good enough for a nondefensive Deck at all imo. Honestly it probably sucks even in a defensive deck against aggro because the rng will kill you. Probably 0-1/5 power forever. If it just rotated between Offesnve/Defense like the Festival Chord Spells it would work. Or if it rotated clockwise.

I guess it depends on your definition of working?

Enrage is okay and it’s kind of all warrior has. However it’s very janky and dependent on drawing in a precise order.

These cards wouldn’t slot into an enrage deck but maybe a menagerie taunt deck. I’m not seeing them being viable sadly