I heard people were talking about Warrior cards in here?
The biggest thing you need to consider about Warrior decks right now is: what gets cut? Menagerie is still up in the air, but Enrage Warrior is a super tight list with a clear focus, and the 30-card version of BRnR can barely change anything around because its win condition is so unforgiving. With that in mind…
- Through Fel and Flames:
Huh? Why doesn’t this give Rush to every minion you play on the same turn? I thought something like that was a 0-mana effect? Huh, what’s going on? Hmm?
This card is not worth a deck slot for Warrior. Most of your key minions have Rush or Charge anyway. And you don’t have nearly as much draw as a DH, so really this will just send you to topdeck mode faster. You can get it off School Teacher, but then you’re paying 1 mana for a 0 mana effect (Nagaling cost).
I don’t think this gets put in any Warrior deck.
- Abyssal Bassist
Definitely not an Enrage card so that goes out the window. Really slow for Menagerie, too. It’s a BRnR Warrior card.
Cool card, but it’s just asking to get hard removal. Fleshshaper is barely playable and has a much better “body.” Lavagorger gives armor immediately, and Zilliax and Silverfury Stalwart have Rush. But again, what do you cut for this? Maybe Silverfury now that Spell DH is dead?
You need to also consider its stats from Chorus Riff, BRnR, Lorthemar, and Last Stand. But much like Fleshshaper, it’ll be the worst minion to pull from your deck with Last Stand in a majority of situations.
And the current 30-card list doesn’t play weapons, so it’s hard-stuck at 7 mana until you drop Remornia, which probably counts for it. I’ll probably cut Fleshshaper in my Renathal homebrew list because at least this can just get plonked down without a condition. But I’d rather have Fleshshaper if I could guarantee that I’d have enough armor.
- Remixed Tuning Fork
The bad news is that this probably means they will never buff Drumkit. Giant oof.
Other than that it seems fine, but meta-dependent. And again, what will you cut? It’s not an Enrage card, for sure. The inconsistency of the effect will be its downfall. Basically you have to hard-mulligan for this and pray that it has a good effect on turn 2 since that’s usually what you’ll have to settle for. Its synergies are dependent on what effect you have - the cleave is good with Verse Riff, the extra attack is good with Forged in Flame, the armor is good with Razorfen Rockstar and Shield Slam. But you can’t count on any of that.
It might replace Bash in my homebrew list. More weapons for Abyssal Bassist.