Mini set live Sept 10th

Honestly, I’m confused by the term ‘potentially.’

If I’m aiming for burn, is there a chance I might not get it? That would make the card infinitely worse.

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Lets wait and see the rest of the cards lol


hmm :thinking:


It sounds better than khadgar and worse than actual zephrys.


irony is lost on you, isn’t it?

That actually sounds like a cool card, lol.

It’s like going out in style when you get run over by aggro on Turn 4. Like, nope, you’re not getting this one.

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kamikaze HS incoming.

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Hear me out: it actually sounds like a way, way weaker version of Khadgar and far, far weaker than the original Zephrys.

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It’s based on the tourist. So druid flips from nature to arcane, so likely priest will flip with a hunter effect. My guess is giving your hero attack instead of a minion. Probably a school from hunter


And mage flips from mediocre to garbage, lol

It will be yet another card I refuse to play, no matter what.
Cards like this just take away more agency.

You might be onto something.

However, there’s also that 7-mana spell Druid got this expansion, which is actually an Arcane spell. This makes me question whether the Brochure cards are truly based on the Tourist class.

Unless, of course, there have been additional reveals beyond the article which I don’t know off.

Can’t blame you. The effect isn’t particularly interesting in my opinion.

It seems like a huge miss compared to the legacy of the original Zephrys.

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you mean the one they play almost infinitely in Wild for free lol.

oh cool recruit is back on a 9 mana minion fun fun

I wasn’t a fan of Zephrys either.
Cards that play the game for a player are something I will never agree with.
Zephrys, Theotar, etc. Just get out of jail free cards that ruin any pretense of skill being the deciding factor, imo.

Listen, I just think the original Zephrys had some real pizzazz.

It was an innovative idea, at least. This redesign feels very lazy in comparison. It makes me wonder if they used ‘potentially’ just to cover up the fact that they didn’t actually code the card to consider board state, health, and other factors, and it just ends up giving two random cards from a selected pool of cards.

If that’s the case, this card is completely boring.

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Think about it like this.

It’s a brochure to go to a different location. The location is the tourist.

Druid tours mage.

Druid spell is nature and draws 2 minions.
Mage is rooted in spell discounts, so the opposite is draw 2 spells and discount. And mage usually discounts via arcane thus arcane.

Priest tours hunter.
The spell says minion buff.
Hunter is rooted in attack with hero.
Opposite of minion buff is hero buff.

So my guess is priest spell switches to give your hero 2 attack and immune and it’s a shadow spell.

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Lol, how did I not think of that from the name? xD

You are right.

So, let’s hear your guess for mage.
I know you be careful in your predictions, and so when the reveal turns out to be volumes worse than even you foresaw, We can all have a laugh:)

Mage the day after tomorow…

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