Mini set live Sept 10th

my guess for mage

1 mana minion
1/3 stats
battlecry: Draw a fire spell, if it costs 3 or less, add a copy to your hand at the start of your next turn


The mage 1 is deal 3 and freeze neighbors.
Frost spell.
Mage tours paladin
Opposite of dealing 3 is buffing.

My guess it’s 3 mana holy give a friendly minion and its neighbors divine shield and +attack

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I’ll hold you to that.:slight_smile:
When it doesn’t happen you have to make me popcorn, and hold me while I cry all night:)

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That’s Shaman’s. It’s right here in the OP.

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that sounds great, for anything but a mage lol.

My bad then. I thought that was the mage card

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yup, your takes are so genuinely awful I can’t sort through the sarcasm and the serious

22k posts and every single one is complaining about how mage doesn’t have a Turn 1 I win card.


they used to, but it got nerfed

It provides some insight, though.

If Shaman’s first side is Frost, perhaps Mage’s will be Fire or Arcane.

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744 posts and 700 are slams on me.

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correct, still a hell of a lot less than 22k

and besides, it’s probably more like ~450

remember if it take more than 4, just let it go

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I have been here commenting on the class I play since 2013.
You have wasted your time insulting and flagging me at every opportunity.
Self examination is required here.
And I cannot help noticing you mention the number of threads yet again, as though it indicates sin…
Once more; look inside for the answers you seek.

Shaman tours DH so it will flip to a fel spell to support razzle.

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The zephyrs better be more khadgar and less zephyrs… the game doesnt need any more discover an answer to everything.

Im sure one of the not yet revealed legendaries will be “replace your deck with your opponents deck, the cards cost 0”

Probably a 1 mana 1/1 permanently destroy your opponents cards

The brochure cards look pretty bad since like that priest AOE they’ll always be the one you dont need when you need it

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Exactly. Contrary to what some might say, it’s not “doomposting” to point out that cards that provide the answers, cheapen and dumb the game down.

I have flagged a grand total of… Two of your posts. Because they were off-topic spam in threads completely unrelated.

Any others that have been flagged were by the community at large.

Your blatant unwillingness to either play the good Mage decks that exist or to acknowledge their existence (e.g, skeleton mage/elemental mage being too “unmagey” or Sif being "too much like solitaire) makes me think you hate Mage, Hearthstone, and most of all yourself.

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Mini-set AND debate day? Christmas came early. :partying_face:

Also not hating Imployee of the Month. We’ll see what other Lock cards come out.


Yeah really solid card, just unsure of what archetypes slot it. I don’t think Mining Rogue keeps minions on board long enough to get value over Health Drink, and I’m not sure which if any of the warlock archetypes use it (painlock actively doesn’t want lifesteal, insanity lock doesn’t have enough bodies, sludgelock is fake.)