Message to Blizzard

I know I’m only one player and I don’t matter much to the bottom line, but Blizzard you have killed Hearthstone or maybe the game has just gotten old after 9 years. After thinking about buying the next expansion for the past week I am not going to buy it. In fact, I am quitting. Why?

I’ve been making a number of posts over the past year about all the gripes I have with this game.

Many of the modes are not very fun. New modes that are introduced can be fun and refreshing and then over time become so frustrating, not to mention that there is no balance in some modes.

The biggest culprit was battlegrounds. Battlegrounds was new and it was fun, but on the 3rd season now and I’m guessing the community loves battle buddies, but for me battlegrounds is just too complex for me to be able to ever progress and I’m guessing this is why a lot of other people are in the 5000’s/6000’s. And I could just play for the fun of it as some say, but you know this season I’ve had more 8th place finishes than I think I had between season 1 & 2 combined. It wouldn’t be so bad if I felt like I sit and spin my wheels for 6 months once I get to 6000 and complete the quest rewards track. No matter what guides I look at, or what pro player I follow I don’t get it. There are too many minions that you could get during a match that it makes it extremely hard to get any direction going. You’ll think you should go quillboar starting turn 6 because you were offered a lot of quillboars and then you don’t get offered any more quillboar and so it becomes impossible to win a match because meanwhile someone else is getting all the ele’s and doesn’t run into a lack of what they are going for and winds up with 5 gigantic minions and stomps you.

After probably 3000 bg’s games it’s not fun anymore.


I bailed in the high 6000s after the update. What a garbage move by the Devs. Change the game play drastically during the season… For what? It’s definitely not more fun now. In fact quite the opposite. Add to it that they killed the ability to play your own music/podcast in the background. Instant delete for me.

I sure hope diablo kicks az or I’m done with this company for good.

But in the end they don’t give a f. They got a ton of money from me over the decade.


Buddies make BG more p2w. Now 4 heroes determine wins.


It’s just not worth the frustration. Vote for change with your uninstallation.

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Trust me won’t matter the whales keep the game going not us avg Joe/Janes.