[mercenaries] strict matchmaking and unlimited AI please

please make fighting pit matchmaking to be strict and remove AI 7000 rating limit.

it’s been 1 month and top 1 barely reach 12.000 rating and drop back to 10.000 ~11.000.

link to leaderboard :

people been promised strict matchmaking and feel disappointed :

my uptake on matchmaking and ai bot :
AI bot is never a problem because people who queued with max mercenaries wil meet each other player.

that hotfixes which changes this strict matchmaking for fewer bot is stupid call because it’s a problem which will fix it self in the long run when everyone have same max upgrade.
[that hotfixes give same mistakes vibe as reconnect system changes which happen long time ago which broke the game while fixing nothing.]

to be fair, people who queue for bot will bound to meet other player queueing for bot which prevent guaranteed rating climb if the game popular enough.

bot always give smaller rating will fix these cheese rating and it’s never a problem to begin with.
[case of +7 rating on bot win and -60 rating when losing to player will totally balance it out]

IF people can cheese 12.000 rating from AI bot,then it’s a prove the game is not popular enough to the point a single dude able to play with bot for 1000 round without meeting other player.

that is popularity problem instead of AI bot problem.

how come such big company doesn’t have any people with ability to analyse the crux of the problem.

Win and reach more than 7000, Lost and return under 7000, again vs IA and win, then vs player and Lost, 2 games for 1 victory, You can farm chest

my problem is their hotfixes broke the game.

farming win chest is completely unrelated matter.
didn’t play the game for whole week now.

compared to my previous activities where i played 60 round VS other player.

i prefer just to play with bot for 6 round and stop playing now.

to be honest, i got the urge to plagiarize mercenaries idea and improve it further and sell the idea to nintendo company and stuff because mercenaries have great basic but really lacking concept.

these so called hotfixes just broke this plain basic game.

you even have the same idea.

this is basically what i am doing until i realize i can concede to AI Bot.
which basically meant i don’t need other player.

p.s: if you read my old post about 10 minute queue, and stuff you should reaiize which part is broken.

when i said broken all these hotfixes actually broke the game in some degree whatever they make the game less popular and wasted people time because of ‘instant concede’

The match making should be easy. If a player with a certain 4000 score queues, only players +/- X points will be the opponent. F anything else. Let the cream rise.

are you suggesting new changes ?
i was in top 20 before and matched up with new player so it doesn’t work that way.

so i assume you are trying to put up new suggestion.

Just add MMR checkpoints. For example, once you reach 7k, you cannot drop below it. Then 8k, then 9k, and so on. It is already a thing in standard HS, so it is not that far-fetched of an idea.

I was matched twice against #13 in the leaderboard, when I was barely 8200 (almost 1000 MMR below them) and still lost ~50 each game. Ridiculous, if you ask me. People lose more MMR than they win most of the time, so the chance of climbing to 10k and beyond is slim to none.

good idea,
but fix nothing.

i still wasted 10 minute queue if someone instant concede.
i can just play with bot 24/7
and alternate between win and concede.

people still could win trade,

people who play seriously still getting trolled from instant concede.

the matchmaking still unfair and match you with 1 sided beating.

you are matched based on your mercenaries upgrade and stuff, MMR is not related except at 6600 and 8100 where they remove AI bot at 6600++ and increase your matchmaking parameter at 8100++

i don’t know how they will change it if they are using MMR as parameter.

the game is really dead,
people max out from PVE grind and don’t want to play fighting pit.

people who play fighting pit no longer want to play VS player because of hotfixes.

new player getting 1 sided beaten because fighting pit parameter is not strict.

i see 0 way for this mode to survive.

I mean, it will fix the issue of the leaderboard barely moving upward. Apart from a handful of players, everyone’s rating remains nearly the same and getting the 10k and 12.5k reward is impossible for >99.99% of the player base because quite often more MMR is being lost than gained after each match (ex. player 1 gains 20 for victory, while player 2 loses 50 for defeat)


yeah it should fix that issue in the future with your suggestion.

but the game is currently dying though and this checkpoint only viable when there is enough people to help you climb.

edit : i also feel like this idea will have side effect considering how things goes so far with the hotfixes.

17 on win and 90 on lose,
i used on top 20.
this number is better example.