Mercenaries so far the most F2P gacha!

No one is saying otherwise but the very core of games like Hearthstone,Magic,Yu Gi Oh etc is to open packs(aka gambling ) to try and get what you want.

No one is forcing you to play this games and they are very honest about it,you either pay with time or real money that will never change and will remain so forever.

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My issue is that I want them to call gambling what it is and be subject to oversight, the same as any other gambling platform in this country.

Nice, I don’t quite have that much progress but I’m getting close with multiple legendaries at 300+ coins to unlock.

What did you end up grinding? Lots of tasks or more Heroic Bounties? PvP?

Tasks mostly, at high levels they drop many coins and the hit Legendaries many times.

You will end up also doing Heroic bounties because some tasks are just that.

Cool, I currently have just Cariel past Task 18 and Xyrella/Millhouse at 11 so I’ll see how those coin drops go.

If you already own all the skins for a specific merc, you can still roll that merc again and get coins instead of having another skin of the same rarity of another merc.

Which makes getting all legendary skins almost impossible without duplicate protection.

Btw if you have all golden legendary skins of a merc and you roll him again, you will receive its diamond portrait. If you already have that you will get 100 coins.

you are super delusional.
Even if you craft those legendary with coins. You have no possibility of developing them, as someone who would just pay money and buy packs.
To develop your character, the one who pay money will always be far ahead.
This is called p2w.

Your collection look poor in front those who paid 100-200-300$

May lord have mercy on your soul, when you get the merc you can complete tasks with it and get a bunch of coins to improve him …

You know the reason why you didn’t craft them ? or Do I need to tell you?

I didnt craft them because i dont have enouth coins yet lol, you need 500 per legendary as soon as i hit it i will craft all of them.

What are you smoking.

Just wondering (honest question) - how many hours have spent grinding to get to that point?

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Fair question , quite a few but i was “cheating” by doing other things at the same time .
Like watching a series/movie/news/at work lmao , farming tasks is quite simple and requires very little attention on your part.

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How is this different than classic Hearthstone?

Mercenaries is much more f2p friendly than regular hs and somehow that guy thinks it’s the opposite?!

How long does he think it would take you to craft an entire expansion set on a f2p account ?


in HS you earn gold and you can choose to craft what you need. Mercenary is totally random.
So yes it is totally different.
I don’t even know why you try to compare apple and sugar.
But with white knight armor and glasses of denial. It is pointless to argue with you people.

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Yeah. It seems its ok from this pov - you can just afk whenever you want, do other things, then come back to a match and queue another set of attacks etc.

Still its a shame this game is basically in alpha state (even though it was postponed for like a year or so…). It could have been kinda close to other similar games on the market though it being riddled with bugs kinda makes it one of the worst choice if you are interested in these games. Same with these 2 min+ queue times for pvp and no progression on losing a match (would be ok if queue would be faster)

But PvE is kinda ok. Its basic and very easy to just afk it while farming for coins (though kinda horribly implemented when “end game” is farming lvl 8 bounties over and over again :smiley: ). Maybe once the game progress to beta state, it would be fair substitute for another games. Time will tell.


The pvp is also very fun at high levels and has so many teams to try, the matchmaking does need work its very limited they were trying to be so fair that we ended up not finding matchs for a long time.

Take off the training wheels those that grind non stop will have an advantage at first but sonner or later everyone will catch up anyway.

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Not if you queue up with a team of three to grind out some tasks. It’s far easier to get coins for specific mercs that way, especially legendaries like one you managed to craft, but don’t have a good way to obtain a lot of stuff for.

no, it is not random.

you can target tasks for specific mercs just like you can farm specific bosses to get very specific merc coins.

in regular HS you open packs which are completely random.

Once they patch the Level 8 nonsense there will effectively be another rift in player base - those who paid, those who abused the “exploit” before it got patched, and everyone else.

If a mystery spot is supposed to only have a 1/4 chance of being a stranger, abusers are at minimum, 4 times ahead in progress. Effectively much more because the incentive is there to get it while it’s hot, so probably 8-10 times ahead in coins and unlocks.

It’s gonna be small disaster for a while.