Mercenaries: how to make people who hate them to love them

1: Just make the switches of rounds practically INSTANT; it’s so annoying that we spend like 50% of the time on loading screens(!); you can even make the whole field a single-scrolling screen!111111 (one)

2: Give some more XP; I know you admitted defeat by nerfing it implying to us “don’t even play that crap sub-game”; but improve the game first and then return it.

3: You can probably enrich it as a real “walking card game”; think of the Paper Mario games; if you haven’t checked it: the “The Thousand-Year Door” is a masterpiece.

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This mode has been retired…

Most of us are not hating or love them… most of us just don’t care about them… Like I said on the day it went to live… seems like this is just a mini game of HS which has consumed too much energy of the developers… it was a dead idea basically…

I don’t think that’s officially true. Though the Devs probably admitted defeat, when they nerfed the XP to almost 0 practically signalling “never play this unless you must play this”.

Scroll to the end.

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Yeah I found it later (it was exceptionally hard to google(probably because it was at the bottom of a post)).

But it’s no reason to not do major QoL changes like instant-scrolling-up to not waste our time.

In fact that change might be so crucial that it may revitalize the interest (in part at least).

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