Mercenaries does anyone play it?

This is random but does anyone even play Mercenaries? I know I haven’t played it in a very long time. I feel like it’s been a dead mode for the longest time, so why is it still around? I would rather they had gotten rid of this mode instead of duels which I actually consistently played. That said, if by chance they do eventually get rid of it, do you think they’ll replace it with something else or at this point are they just going to keep removing stuff?

I grinded merc’s for a while but I got out of it because it became a game of “train your heroes for multiple days at a time before any of them are strong enough to do this next challenge.”

I’m not into phone games or gacha games so I lost interest


I never liked the mode, didn’t get what it had to do with hearthstone . I also don’t get why that is still here and duals had to go but hey, I’m no expert.

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Same. Duels was actually fun to me, Mercenaries however just felt like a chore

i messed around with it a few days or so ago but was reminded of why i stepped away from it. For anyone that does still play n enjoy it i do hope they having fun though.


i don’t think they’ll remove it entirely because people spent money on it. at least not until hearthstone dies maybe someday. i know it’s now an optional download for mobile users so it doesn’t have to take up space on your phone or tablet.


Once in a while Ill go back and play a couple rounds. I do think its still a decent gamemode if you really dont feel like competing against other people


They removed almost all xp from it even though it uses gold as a resource. If it had a way to grant xp or gold by playing through it (not AFK but actual play), then it might be worth playing, but it does not and is only a gold sink for players.

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Mercenaries? Never heard of it. Is that a new expansion for Assassin’s creed?

I don’t understand why it isn’t just literally a mobile version of the pet battles from WoW, using the same account.

I do actually play it when I need a truly mindless distraction, but never once have I played against another player.

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“Yes it is!!! Now sink all your money into it and you’ll get exclusive dlc content!!” That was my impression of a blizzard employee trying to turn a profit on a dying mode :sob:

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I’ve been playing hearthstone for 10 years, what is Mercenaries?

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I still play a couple of times a week.


If you look at the leaderboards it tells you a lot.

Last time I looked it ranked all the people of NA server who had any rating at all were listed there.

All 86 people.


I do.

Why ever not?

Oh, so it’s this old thing again? See below:

Well, I believe I only played Duels when ‘forced’ by some stupid event or something of the sort, and it was miserable, I was glad to get it over with, so I think it’s good that they got rid of this useless mode, which was also such a burden to support. :grinning: How do you feel about that? The point is: this kind of personal opinion or preference is no better or worse than yours, so it’s hardly valid grounds for decision-making.

Whether a mode is cost-efficient to maintain and so on is a different question.

What is it, bots again probably?

With that said, PvP has never been the Mercs’ strongest suit, to put it mildly, and it has been especially bad since the mode went into ‘maintenance’ due to persistent bugs, if you ask me.

But anyway, most Mercs players have played it for PvE, I think.

just incase this is a real question its under “mode” with arena and solo play. it’s a fun for a day game then forget you ever played it. in fact if you go try it out you will probably go “Oh i remember this now” (Quit Game)


Interesting. All I remember about the Mercenaryies was being forced to play the tutorial in order to open 2 packs that were forced on me to get the notification to go away