Mercenaries act in the wrong order

After the last update where Naga-mercenaries were introduced i encounter next problem:
When i choose my neutral minions with 5 speed to attack first (mukla’s brother, murlocs summoned by Murky), and then i choose king Krush to attack second, Krush attacks first anyway, although its speed is not altered by anything.
It happened several times, i had a team of trigore, mukla, krush, jaina, tyrael and murky.

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I’ve experienced the same problem with Anduin (Holy Nova), Natalie (Light Beam - 2 Speed), and Velen (Velen’s Blessing). Both Anduin and Velen are 5 speed.

If I trigger Velen first, followed by Light Beam with Natalie, followed by Holy Nova on Anduin, I’ve noticed Anduin triggering first even though cued last. I believe the faster speed spell (Natalie - Light Beam) is triggering a reset, and then the mercenaries are acting in order of position instead of order of spells being selected. In this case, my Anduin is the furthest left which is why I’m thinking he’s acting first.

However, if I cue Natalie first, then Velen, then Anduin, they will attack in the proper order. Some very odd behavior.


I place my Krush on right of Mukla (as well as his brother). And my Krush act first. So I don’t think order is somehow connected with position.

No good! Something is definitely wrong with the situation…


I have had the same issue, but with Lorewalker Cho specifically, he seems to be going in completely random order with others of my team with same initiative. Sometimes I select his action Patience first, and he goes after all the others of same initiative, other times I choose Knowledge last and he goes before my other characters of same initiative.

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in my experience it seemed to effect physical attacks but not spells – position being the determining factor but this could be wrong.

and yeah after checking patch notes there’s no indication this was an intentional change. while obnoxious at least for those of us who routinely position are mercs in the same way there is at least the benefit of being able to beat pve opponents to the punch and knowing you’re going to.

Same, my Edwin went first with Kingpins Bounty (speed 4) even though I gave him instruction after Natalie using Shadow Beam (speed 4). Neither are physical attacks so its not just limited to those. Very frustrating in PvE where I can no longer reliably trigger the deathblow in that situation!

Yea it’s totally random now.

Yes, they changed the graphic indicator to not show speed ties for your mercs as “#?”, but now it doesn’t always act in order.

I think if you requeue an attack (to make it go later) it doesn’t reorder them as it should and is either random or left to right position based.

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There is also change in PVE, if the player merc ability have the same speed as AI enemy merc then player is going always first.

Me too. The order of abilities in the same speed is now “from left to right” instead of what you set first.

This totally ruins the game!!! It mess up the combos. It’s especially fatal in PVP!

I think it’s intentional change. There is a tip about your mercenaries go first in pve while level is loading.

Edit: I’ve realised something guys. If mercs decide to act in the wrong order, then they act in alphabetical order of their names :smiley:
Looking at my and your experience i considered that position isn’t the key sometimes, but alphabet is always the key.