Still waiting for a playable card.
Reminds me of the watch towers in the barrens, i assume that the legendary is going to get nerfed, and we will get dust for all of it
low mana board control stuff multiple time and hp regen
I don’t understand “Ogre Gang Ace”.
Does the minion gain Divine Shield/Lifesteal or is it the hero which gains it when this minion attacks?
Was talking about this the other day here in the forums.
That hearthstone needs to return with their originals and ogres are one of they.
Glad to see they again.
These are all relatively good actually. a 3 mana 4/4 with rush is good especially if you play it on 3 and just go face with it.
shadow step will love it …multiple full board windfury minion whit strong effect
Ogre-Gang Rider has to be the worst card I’ve ever seen.
How is that in any way good.
Why even add the ‘instead of attacking’ part.
Card would be at best average without it.
Reminds me of the old gang cards, its pretty fun flavor
All the old ogre cards pretty much sucked or were never worth even memeing with. I think I remember something in Demon Hunter, or am I just remembering the card art I don’t even know.
Not even kapping. 5-6/5 Star Power.
6 mana 6/7 with even just 1 rush body in a stupid Renathal do nothing deck is worth it because some games you will get multiple Rush minions back. Might nerf the 6/7 legendary body to a 6/5 statline breaking lore.
Yeah, the Kingpin is actually REALLY strong. Particularly strong with bounce/copying. There will probably be something like Ogre Rogue.
I dunno… The legendary is a very strong payoff card for running all the other ogres but… you do need to run and play all the other ogres. Not really very good imo. You need to play all the other ogres during the game, have them die, then draw and play this and maybe after you can think about stepping it. Seems questionable to me. Way too slow for this to be a game plan and this doesn’t even close games after all that effort. Could be wrong but I doubt these are worth running unless something else comes up.
Quite a fun package tho. Better than printing useless neutrals that make no sense and no one will ever play. At least these are kinda fun.
The thing is that bounce/copy scales. So if you only play two other Ogres in a game but you play Kingpin three times, then the second time it resurrects 4 and the third time is a full board.
So I honestly don’t think you need to run ALL of the other Ogre-Gang cards.
Oh gg give players more RNG so they will forever quit this NON COMPETITIVE GAME !
Oh wait ? where are the players ?
ha too bad they allready moved to another game due to the disastrous state of the game
or due to … ? anomalies ?
or did they move because they are unable to satisfy players ?
just a big lol .
The giving your hero +3 attack is generally better than it attacking, because you can go face with that straight away, especially if you happen to have a windfury weapon from Ignis.
I’ll quote you on it so when you make a topic later saying it needs nerfing, we’ll know what you meant.
That is a fair point. Still, with things like arcane hunter I doubt something like that can generate threats fast enough to be competitive. We’ll see what they have in store for rogue. Really hoping they finally get real rogue cards. They haven’t gotten any since Nathria (FoL’s were rogue-ey enough but they were awful so doesn’t count)
Edit: I actually think Ogre-Gang Rider is the most interesting and consistent of them all, I just think it should be a 3 mana 3/5.
So who is going to get the world first of casting the shaman spell ‘Pack the House’ and summoning all the ogres?
I also assume there has to be a neutral minion that has “battlecry: get a 2 mana spell that destroys all ogres and deletes them from the hearthstone universe” just because minions can’t have a chance to survive in hearthstone today.
Great, more RNG…what in the world does improving the randomness of this crap do anyways? Less skill and more casino.