Meet the 2020 World Championship Contenders: SilverName – The Headliner
JijaEZ 777ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ
I love silvername, but I don’t care about this blizzard. The community wants to sit down with you and have a serious talk about your behavior lately.
but you got time to post this worthless crap, hmmm…?
Looks like they don’t care about the bad mood right now. So they continue their sunshine policy.
oh look,they are alive and they’re posting totally not important stuff…
Yea, you should stop spotlighting a person who swears so much and makes a bad role model…don’t give a platform to a person who has no qualms being trash.
As updates go that’s some grade A ghosting you just pulled there blizz, just… Wow.
BloodTrail Podkrutka pered viletom BloodTrail
nice nice nice ultra very nice
За что агрессия не санкционированная? Сказали бы Владос красава, щас чм выиграет.
Stop with this! Stop ignoring the real problems! Community is in rage, everyone is unhappy, we will like our game and company that represent it, doesn’t care for its players. Stop with your greed for money!!
- RETURN 10 gold per 3 WINS BACK
- Increase gold earnings so we get more gold as you have promised
- Stop disrespecting your players!
Ну давай, повтори это русскому сообеству, тебя ногами вперёд вынесут
How does this championship affect me? I’m not a competitor, I’m not part of the company… I couldn’t care less about a championship that amounts to zero for me. I’m not gonna buy more merch just cuz this guy endorses it.
The rewards track and cost of the game, the lack of gold farm and dust system, THOSE… THOSE affect me daily. Let’s talk about those, until then, nothing else matters.
(Anyone know how China is reacting to this? Blizzard might be abandoning the rest of us for the Chinese market. If they don’t have similar issues to this system, I imagine Blizz will never change it) Maybe that’s why they are silent, they are waiting to see the extant of the Chinese market impact.
Да, ты!
Ты молодец!
Я болею за тебя!
Проиграть все игры 0:3 желаю
Странно читать его ответы на вопросы, цель 5 лет выиграть чемпионат - при этом полностью плюнув на его подготовку. Все будет так же как и грандмастером. Перестал нормально готовиться и вылетел из турнира и потерял шанс попасть в будущие чемпионаты, так как к этому уже не стремится.
It is strange to read his answers to questions, the goal is to win the championship for 5 years - while completely spitting on his preparation. Everything will be the same as the grandmaster. I stopped preparing normally and flew out of the tournament and lost the chance to get into future championships, since I no longer strive for this.
Blizzard, please, fix demon hunter!!!
Are these posts secrety a cry for help from Team 5?
who cares? why don’t you talk about the state of your pathetic battle pass, terrible meta and atrociously greedy monetization.
Stop hiding you pitiful cowards.