Mech Rogues Broken?

Anyone noticed that there seems to be an algorithm problem with Mech Rogues? Looking through HDT with a sample of 20 Rogues, 100% within 3 turns have scrapheaps, 2 legendaries or more, the stealth spider, essentially everything needed to guarantee a win in a few turns. There is no randomly drawn cards statistically like every other deck, but a fixed set. Am I missing something here or is this just completely broken?


This game is rigged. Simple.

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Easy way to find out is use the deck yourself and see how your mulligan/draw goes


Still no patch to fix how broken this is. Sample of 25 Rogues, all with the exact same draws in the first 5 turns.
From Scrapheap
Ini Stormcoil
V07TR0N Prime

Apparently a fixed deck, no RNG involved, whereas the opponent who might be easily able to counter, cant without the right draws. Seems like a welfare deck for the unskilled.

Plenty of RNG. If they don’t hit windfury and/or stealth magnetizers from From Scrapheap, they’re pretty much doomed

Against them you need to fight and maintain board control and just clear their minions until they run out of gas

Yes, it’s easy to beat by maintaining board control, IF you get the right cards. Plenty of games I had 30% of the deck could have been used for this and drew none. And stealth is a 100% guarantee since every game is a guaranteed spider.

If that’s true, it’s called “loss streak” and it’s perfectly normal in this game

You’re not supposed to win every game

But, I mean, trust me when I say that, unless you’re playing some homebrew meme deck, you should consistently beat a bot mech rogue.

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Im just pointing out the statistical impossibility of this many Rogues sampled to draw the exact same cards in the first couple turns that essentially guarantee a win unless the other person draws very well for board control.

Well, if it’s impossible, then there is nothing to point out.

Except for the fact that I’m observing it anyway…